Top shirt idex Nicefrogtees on 2019/11/09
Each one of them around the age of seven asked me if Santa was real. My answer was “What do you think?” They each said they thought it was me and their dad. I told them they were right, but didn’t they think that as long as they had surprise presents under the tree on Christmas morning, that it was the same as a real Santa coming? They all agreed with that. The most fun part of Santa now is that they love leaving out Santa’s favorite beverage (not milk) and cookies for him on the same plate and cup set that they used when they were kids. We do it together, winking and laughing at all of it.As they grew up Santa kept coming. The presents changed and were fewer over time. Even now (and my kids are 32, 30, and 27), Santa puts something in their stockings. Our two sons-in-law also get something in a stocking.
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