Top shirts back link of nicefrogtees 2019/07/27

Our bodies are not anything! I gave 08 years of Chicago Fire 2012 2020 8 seasons 180 episodes signature thank you for the memories shirt birth to four children all whom I love them for them selfs! I love life as it has many things to offer, I embrace death as it will come. Sickness or not life goes on and on and on. So do your best for you, for family, for others along the way- be you all the way to the end! But most of all don’t fear death in any aspects as it comes. The brain is the last to die in the human body and it is in its busiest moment before it dies, within those moments, it works as a memory card downloading all its content to central computer because it is believed that 100 % of your memory is preserved to a “magical server” and this particular memory will be used again to a newborn baby. If in reality, we could only use 10 % of the total capacity of the brain.
08 years of Chicago Fire 2012 2020 8 seasons 180 episodes signature Ladies tee

08 years of Chicago Fire 2012 2020 8 seasons 180 episodes signature shirt

It’s so satisfying to connect with Three glass of wine Halloween shirt the depth of inner Light and guidance within. What others choose to believe and what is satisfying to them is for them alone, and is none of my business. I so appreciate being responsible for my own happiness and choosing as my default to see through the eyes of Source/God/dog, who loves and adores everything and everybody. Yup. People didn’t really listen to her. This was an amazing piece on pragmatism and optimism without baked in religious or even spiritual tropes. Beautiful. Of course, people superimposed so much junk on it in the comments. When I die, I want my remains placed into one of those tree vessels where you then give off the nutrients for a tree to grow.Three glass of wine Halloween Ladies tee

Three glass of wine Halloween shirt

I absolutely understand Skull forget candy just give me wine Halloween shirt but saying your truth to educate people should never be nasty, negative or judgemental. Telling someone they are going to hell is unnecessary and uncalled for. I am not so sensitive as to feel criticized but rather, want to share my own Christian teachings of choosing kindness and respect always. He gave us dominion over the earth. I’m not going to thank the earth, trees, animals the water or anything on this earth or Mother Nature! I’m going to. It is for her mind only to know, how she will end. We do not know her final moments with her maker. You are regurgitating as fact, writings that were put down hundred’s of the year after said happenings. This content belongs to Nicefrogtees. Finally, if Jesus was from a virgin birth and no sperm was involved.

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Skull forget candy just give me wine Halloween shirt

That is your issue one way or the Hotel California lyrics on a dark desert highway cool wind in my heart shirt; however, your criticism almost bordering on condemnation suggests that you look inward before pointing a finger. It’s not about seeing one opinion as the only right one therefore, automatically the other is considered wrong. There is a way to express disagreement regarding one’s opinion without disparaging or putting down the person expressing that opinion. There is a way to disagree that remains respectful and kind. That was my only point. It’s not about seeing one opinion as the only right one therefore, automatically the other is considered wrong. This content belongs to Nicefrogtees. There is a way to express disagreement regarding one’s opinion without disparaging or putting down the person expressing that opinion.
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Hotel California lyrics on a dark desert highway cool wind in my heart shirt

He did that, not for 6 am coffee 1 pm cola 8 pm wine how a cheer mom tells time at a cheer competiton shirt, but for all those, He represented because they could not keep it themselves. The word of God calls these people the elect or His sheep, among several other names.  He did that, not for Himself, but for all those He represented because they could not keep it themselves. The word of God calls these people the elect or His sheep, among several other names.  He secured salvation for all Gods chosen people that would even be born. His resurrection is evidence of the acceptance of His sacrifice to the Father. It sounds as if Christ will be waiting at the Gates to welcome her in. Why not? We believe that someone who dies cannot see Jesus. Doubting Thomas said I will not believe until I’ve seen and touched Him.
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See God created all things Life is better with cats and books shirt and when He created each thing, including humans, He did it towards procreation. In other words, He did it once and life, as we know it, began and He has not since had to do it again. He created man to procreate as he did all other life forms. And so they have. God gives wisdom to men. He has provided insights into what He has done and there have been many men and women who have learned about his creations. Scientists don’t dispute the wind because they can’t see it. This content belongs to Nicefrogtees. So I would caution anyone to dispute God just because they can’t see or feel him. Life is a beautiful thing! I am just incredibly grateful and amazed at my Lord and Saviour!Life is better with cats and books Sweater

Life is better with cats and books shirt

It is not His will that any should perish New York Yankees fucking savages in the box shirt. But many do. Why? Because they have used their own free will to make the choice to lie in torment for eternity. God loves each of us so very much that He gave us each free will to make our own choices. He will not force people to love Him, He simply desires it. We each get to make our own choices. I choose life in Christ because for me there is no other way. Just like the wind, I feel Him in my life and I know He loves me! Other than the Bible because that would circular. This content belongs to Nicefrogtees. You first would have to show this being you refer to existed and has the capabilities to do what you’re claiming. Beliefs are, by definition, not facts.

New York Yankees fucking savages in the box Sweater

New York Yankees fucking savages in the box shirt

If they are horrified by the presentation Buzz Lightyear Stormtrooper Star Wars shirt, they do not need to put themselves through the pain of listening to something that offends them and, instead of putting someone down and criticizing them, (criticizing someone, whom I might add, is very clear about the fact that their own death is imminent), they can choose to avoid the discomfort or anguish the TedTalk presenter is causing them and simply scroll past the post. It is a choice and I am asking people to choose the dignified and graceful option of being kind and respectful, including while expressing an opposite perspective. This content belongs to Nicefrogtees. I absolutely encourage any exchange between polite and respectful people of opposite beliefs or ideas but I choose to speak up against rudeness and hatefulness. No more and no less.

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Buzz Lightyear Stormtrooper Star Wars shirt

Seems to me that Disney Villains Cruella de Vil Maleficent Evil Queen wine Halloween shirt has a stronghold on your heart and on your tongue. Those who have “Jesus in their hearts” do not go around doing what you did. You make one beg the question. Is your concept of God’s heaven filled with people like you? Are you sure? I just don’t hear Christ voice in your words. However, I will allow Him to judge you..and so “many” others can listen to Kindness, and Fearlessness from this wonderful lady’s words. I also wonder, when you know it’s you who are going..will you be as happy? This content belongs to Nicefrogtees. Or as strong? She was dying and cognizant of the fact. She was sharing her perception of her reality without regret. Truthfully, If I was fortunate enough to have met this beautiful soul before she died.
Disney Villains Cruella de Vil Maleficent Evil Queen wine Halloween Sweater

Disney Villains Cruella de Vil Maleficent Evil Queen wine Halloween shirt+

If we can’t find it in our hearts to focus on I used to be married but I’m better mow shirt the positive in people and refrain from condemning people when they express a personal belief that differs from our own and for that, are condemning? I stick with my position of focusing on kindness and respect above all. This was not about a religious discourse. This content belongs to Nicefrogtees. This woman was talking about her physical life and death. It is possible to talk about that without entering into a huge discussion about other aspects of our life, which of course I am very aware, includes our emotions, our values, virtues, and religious beliefs, etc. Facebook is certainly not the best place to discuss them, given the complexity involved in such discussions.I used to be married but I'm better mow Sweater

I used to be married but I’m better mow shirt

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