Golf Best papa by par shirt
It’s about someone feeling like they can come into my personal space without my Golf Best papa by par shirt. Yeah maybe someone grabs your beard, but is it in a context of flirting? This was not and it was weird and made me very uncomfortable and only the most recent example that I thought of. I have men thinking they can do what they want in other ways but this is what I presented to make my point. The whole point is how subtly machismo digs so deep into our subconscious as women that we don’t even know how to draw the line anymore. We are made to think that it’s ok to cross that line and then how far does it go? Handshakes and winking? Come on, dude. Flirting when warranted is not what we’re talking about here.

Buy this shirt: Golf Best papa by par shirt
Buy this shirt: Golf Best papa by par shirt
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