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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 12, 2018

I asked God to make me a better man he sent me my brother shirt

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I went to a restroom at a Target. So that I could change me I asked God to make me a better man he sent me my brother I asked God for an angel he sent me sister shirt. She had an upset tummy and it was a huge mess. As I cleaned her I needed to discard the wipes. And as I looked for the trash can it was mounted on the opposite side of the room. A good 8ft away. Now, where was I supposed to put the dirty napkins while I continued to clean her? It was such a challenge and the first thought that came to mind was “a man designed this”. I took pictures and sent it to management in hopes that it would get fixed. Ironically there’s a sign on the changing table that tells you not to walk away from your child. Well then don’t put the trash can on the other side of the room. The other thing that bugs me is that my husband is the stay at home parent in our household Buy tthis shirt:  I asked God to make me a better man he sent me my brother shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/i-ask...

Capricorn amazing in bed their love is one of a kind if traveling were free shirt

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The same way nursing and marine Capricorn amazing in bed their love is one of a kind if traveling were free you would never see them again defends loved ones with all their abilities love all trust a few do wrong to none sarcastic spontaneous blunt independent rare to find great when found not one to mess with a loner at heart they will not take any crap from anyone shirt. And international studies producing more female grads do not mean that men are somehow discriminated against in those programs. They just don’t pursue them as often. I certainly agree that incorporating specific needs and perspectives into the design process is important and valuable. I just don’t think you can chalk it up to systemic discrimination in the design field. There is simply no evidence of that. I go behind a tree. Female restrooms often have things that the men’s don’t have makeup benches and large mirrors. Buy tthis shirt:  Capricorn amazing in bed their love is one of a kind if traveling were free...

How may I Pho King help you shirt

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That’s after you get over the learning curve to even use How may I Pho King help you shirt in the first place. If you don’t center it properly, well. You have a mess to deal with. And you have to make the choice during your period whether or not to attempt to use it when menstrual fluid may be visible among mixed company. Also, where will you be utilizing it? Camping? In public restrooms? Women’s bathroom stalls are often narrow, and I’ve been in plenty without hooks. So you have to not drop it while dealing with the limited elbow or arm space, manage a bag, manage the cleaning of it after. Will, there be a trash can available, or do you have to have bags to store used wipes in, in addition to the unused wipes? Wash in the sink? Carry around a separate thing of water or washing fluid to cleanse? Buy tthis shirt:  How may I Pho King help you shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/how-may-i-pho-king-help-you-shirt

Trump you are a great grandpa really terrific very handsome really fantastic shirt

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The area should have a flat space for a purse, Trump you are a great grandpa really terrific very handsome really fantastic other grandpas total disasters everyone agrees believe me shirt. Ideally, it would be big enough for a well-equipped diaper bag in addition to the purse and placed near the changing station. If practicality determines that a multi-stall solution required, gender-specific. The one for women should have more stalls. So they should be bigger and include a hook and a table for packages or notebooks or briefcases, etc. I fail to see how it is the architect’s shortfall that there are not enough toilets. They men or women, like all designers design to a set of parameters given by the client. Yes, male architects may not understand personally what it’s like to change a tampon. But surely it’s the client who says no only put in equal numbers of stalls or fewer stalls. Buy tthis shirt:  Trump you are a great grandpa really terrific very handsome really fantastic shir...

Nurse I’ll be there for you shirt

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This is a stupid argument. It’s not about design Nurse I’ll be there for you shirt. or whether the architect is a female and of color. So it’s about cost. I don’t have to be an architect to find a solution to the problem. The solution is simple, make bigger toilets for women. The real problem is the cost and the fact that the people paying the architects are unwilling to spend money on these issues. Nobody is stopping woman or people of color from becoming architects, at least not in America. Just turns out that either they desire other employment, or are not interested in the trade. There can be no other reason. When I was young I went to annual religious conventions at a nearby Colosseum. We had between 10,000 to 15,000 people. There was rarely a line at the restrooms. But when I was at that same Colosseum for a concert, the lines for the women’s restrooms were so long and the men’s was nonexistent. Buy tthis shirt:  Nurse I’ll be there for you shirt Home:  https://motee...

I live in a madhouse run by a tiny army that I made myself shirt

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They could be green-focused, or leading edge design or I live in a madhouse run by a tiny army that I made myself shirt. If you choose an 80-year-old who specializes in treehouse design to design your airport hanger. So they might have a problem but you’d be the fool who hired them and not someone with that experience. But somehow they picked the wrong headline to promote it. Especially for non-architects to truly understand the point of it and be interested in such an important topic we architects stand for each day. In a profession so bastardized we actually need people to understand why design is so important. And why it shouldn’t be a matter of aesthetics. But a matter of making life easier and better lived. I hope this was one of those Ted talks where the presenter had to pay to give the presentation and cover all costs. Buy tthis shirt:  I live in a madhouse run by a tiny army that I made myself shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/i-live-in-a-madhouse-run-by-a-tin...

Tractor screw a farmer everyone else does shirt

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That sensor thing is a Tractor screw a farmer everyone else does shirt. But don’t design or make the sensors or even pay for the sensors its a complete non-issue in regards to this topic. The long short of this is expensive sensors have no problems cheapo sensors have a lot of trouble with dark skin comes down to the manufacturer of the sensors and the building owners willing to pay.  I guess some people are too sensitive or see discrimination even where none exists. I don’t think they see discrimination, but simply a potential problem that others may not have. This case does answer the original question you asked. As for me? I would never think twice as I’m white and have never had this issue. A dark room with dark skin. So motion would be hard to sense. That’s his point. Buy tthis shirt:  Tractor screw a farmer everyone else does shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/tractor-screw-a-farmer-everyone-else-does-shirt

Vintage Donna and the Dynamos shirt

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Consider how different music would be without the Vintage Donna and the Dynamos shirt of African Americans. Music is completely different because of the history and origins of a region. But architecture is not. Practicality trumps culture. So toilets are tools for disposing of waste. They are not pieces of art or part of a person’s cherished ancestral heritage. Long women’s lines at crowded venues are cuz of lack of diversity. Not cuz it takes a woman longer to pee gotta check themselves out in the mirror for 10 hours. So chit-chat with their friends, fix makeup, change tampons. But women don’t just get to unzip, whip it out, pee, rezip and done. Just forget about it if it is a concert venue or sporting event where everyone is wasted. Find a better argument next time. Not just blaming men for societal issues. This blip just opens more questions. So it’s like I have three heads. Buy tthis shirt:  Vintage Donna and the Dynamos shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/vintage-d...

United States Department of Veterans Affairs 2 percent of Americans shirt

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According to his logic, we should have hired the controllers to do the United States Department of Veterans Affairs 2 percent of Americans have worn a Military uniform keeping our country free for 100% of Americans I am proud to be one of them shirt design. Again, while I support that we need more inclusion. If people want to go to those areas of work, it is their choice, not ours so let’s respect that. in all areas. That same inclusion won’t bring us better designs because our target audience might always be different. So what we need is better professionals with more empathy, not just diversity. The first will improve everyone’s lives the second might only. Please explain what people of color would change in the bathrooms, what Chinese would, what Native Americans’ needs in bathrooms? I work in the building designed by the famous. I’m Pei but the bathrooms are absolutely the same as in other buildings. I’ve experienced difficulties in our employee bathroom at work. It’s a faulty sens...

Auntie the woman the myth the bad influence shirt

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Those handicap spots are there with Auntie the woman the myth the bad influence shirt. Because the government forces store owners with the threat of violence to put them there. What did you expect? Love the storytelling here. Reminds me of pp. A good template to follow for exposing style shirt. So toilets are made for men? Or women’s bathrooms just need more toilets? Do women have smaller bladders than men? Maybe there just happens to be more women that need to go at a particular point in the day. Maybe there are a lot of pregnant women there that have to use the restroom more often. Are we all really concerned with going to the restroom and feeling represented? Is the architectural field racist and sexist? Or do women just tend to not be interested in architecture? Is this man wearing lipstick? None of these questions have been answered? Buy tthis shirt:  Auntie the woman the myth the bad influence shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/auntie-the-woman-the-myth-the-bad-i...

Never underestimate a woman who listens to Willie Nelson and was born in January shirt

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None of those are from the Lord but Never underestimate a woman who listens to Willie Nelson and was born in January shirt of the father of lies. Who rules on this earth but has already been dealt with by the work of the cross. If you are wanting to truly know God then read the bible Gods message to us. Sorry but this is sentimental BS. Joy has little or nothing to do with what’s going on externally. Depend on that and you’ll never experience real joy. Joy is the natural state and the only thing holding you back is all one’s untrue ideas, thoughts, negative emotions, etc. not the decorations of the world. Seek from within yourself.  I believe true joy and happiness come when you actually stop seeking it inside your own head and accept that it Buy tthis shirt:  Never underestimate a woman who listens to Willie Nelson and was born in January shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/never-underestimate-a-woman-who-listens-to-willie-nelson-and-was-born-in-january-shirt

Diamond glitter Lineman’s girl shirt

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I think she got this a Diamond glitter Lineman’s girl shirt. Happiness is temporary. Joy is long term. Happiness is fleeting. Joy comes from the Lord. Wonderful article. I like the clear explanation of abundance in design and levity. I love round things. It all makes sense to me. I can choose to be happy despite my circumstances. Joy is felt at a heart level. It really bums me out when I see followers of God judging other people who are trying to send a positive message. Take the plank out of your eye and stop focusing on the negative and you’ll see that this woman is trying to inspire a sense of positivity and the only thing you can do is somehow tear it down and bring the Lord into it. You’re part of the problem with people claiming to be “Christians” today. Buy tthis shirt:  Diamond glitter Lineman’s girl shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/diamond-glitter-linemans-girl-shirt

Diamond glitter Dental Assistant shirt

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While I do think that we can all use a Diamond glitter Dental Assistant shirt our lives. So I disagree that we should be constantly bombarded with it in every facet of our lives. I was in Japan for their fireworks festival and we were in awe for the first 30 mins. Every second after than became increasingly stressful and overwhelming. Too much stimulation not only can cause stress but it can desensitize us to it. What used to our joy will no longer do so. Everything in moderation! I’m thinking I want to redecorate our office a bit. If I promise it doesn’t look like a unicorn vomited all over, what say you? Also, cities are not generally crazy patterned or full of colors. Buy tthis shirt:  Diamond glitter Dental Assistant shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/diamond-glitter-dental-assistant-shirt

Daisy I became a counselor because your life is worth my time shirt

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I feel that way too. I have a ton of color in my Daisy I became a counselor because your life is worth my time shirt and have tried to do without it. So I’m not as happy when I change from my colorful self. I too have a colorful home and I love it. On a dreary day, I feel happy because of my colors. Does it look like I am a gypsy or am from India? Perhaps. But I love it! Yes! I have every room and sometimes wall a different color.So I recently started painting them that trending gray. I don’t like it. I’m going to that rug and furniture trick or get some colorful paint for the next rooms. I need to go to the Apple Store to see why I can’t post photos anymore. Buy tthis shirt:  Daisy I became a counselor because your life is worth my time shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/daisy-i-became-a-counselor-because-your-life-is-worth-my-time-shirt

Daisy I became a teacher because your life is worth my time shirt

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Let me get this Daisy I became a teacher because your life is worth my time shirt straight. Since you disagree for whatever basis you’ve formed your opinion on. Clearly not based on facts like psychology or definitions. So she is the confused one? Please don’t breed, there is already enough idiocy on the planet. You’re ridiculous and a follower. Get this straight, my opinion is mine. I’m not shoving it down your throat like a liberal. Are we supposed to gird ourselves against fickle happiness’ comings and goings or quit making love because pleasure is fleeting? I do feel a little spark of joy from the things Lee points out. That’s lasting because I can go back to that feeling at any time. Buy tthis shirt:  Daisy I became a teacher because your life is worth my time shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/daisy-i-became-a-teacher-because-your-life-is-worth-my-time-shirt

Diamond glitter Bus Driver shirt

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It’s an interesting Diamond glitter Bus Driver shirt. When you break it down she’s saying that our idea of joy is learned early in childhood. So, as adults, we connect it to our children through our most basic lessons. Lessons like shapes repeating shapes colors, basic natural sciences air, sky, nature and eating new foods your first ice cream. What she fails to say is that joy is not just a random surprise that is fleeting it is achieved through a sudden discovery or learning something new and special. I compare it to the first time you realize you love someone. It is sudden information that you have just discovered that brings about the joy reaction of first love. So most of our joy is not in childhood. Buy tthis shirt:  Diamond glitter Bus Driver shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/diamond-glitter-bus-driver-shirt

Robert James Ritchie real man listen to rock music smart man listen to kid rock shirt

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My first thought was that the Robert James Ritchie real man listen to rock music smart man listen to kid rock shirt was backward. Then I wondered why I cared about the terms. The message was wonderful. I was just going to say that. Joy is over time and can be found even in stress, grief, etc. But happiness is a momentary feeling usually caused by an external influence. True. Happiness is situational. Joy is everlasting. I’m still searching for that everlasting ice cream cone. I agree with you 100% I do agree with her that having color in your life does brighten up one’s day. What she is saying is to shift your perspective. So that you find joy in whatever you haven’t been told to find joy in! Buy tthis shirt:  Robert James Ritchie real man listen to rock music smart man listen to kid rock shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/robert-james-ritchie-real-man-listen-to-rock-music-smart-man-listen-to-kid-rock-shirt

I just want to drink beer and watch my Crimson Tide beat your team’s ass shirt

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Skill and I just want to drink beer and watch my Crimson Tide beat your team’s ass shirt are not born into us. Contrary to popular belief, people are not born with the ability to do great things right away. Skills take dedicated teaching, practice, effort, failure, and triumph to build. Talent is the culmination of this teaching and hard work into the ability to master new levels easier because of a solid foundation, or the mirage of being naturally gifted when in actuality the person just dedicated themselves to something passionately. So no holds barred. If you want to find your passion, I suggest you fake it until you make it. Get out there and pretend! If you don’t know what you might like. Buy this shirt:  I just want to drink beer and watch my Crimson Tide beat your team’s ass shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/i-just-want-to-drink-beer-and-watch-my-crimson-tide-beat-your-teams-ass-shirt

Admit it you want to taste my wiener shirt

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I think a lot of people who suffer from the syndrome of being ok at a lot of things. So Admit it you want to taste my wiener shirt is nice. But not feeling spectacular at anyone fail to realize that their true superpower is the ability to learn and adapt. Perhaps this applies to you? Embrace what you can do, enjoy it. Don’t worry about what you can’t do. Also, try new things, don’t be afraid, as the video says, we are all beginners at some point. I started running at 46, I don’t win races but I enjoy taking part. Participation is the key. It’s probably more fun to be ok at several things and also you don’t have all your eggs in one basket. Good luck. Took me years to realize my skill and passion was Curiosity! It may be there in a way you hadn’t thought of yet. Buy this shirt:  Admit it you want to taste my wiener shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/admit-it-you-want-to-taste-my-wiener-shirt

Pusheen nurse trained to save your ass not kiss it shirt

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Being interested in many subjects can be a good Pusheen nurse trained to save your ass not kiss it shirt. So I can help a person to approach problems in new ways with a unique understanding. Example? I am a piano teacher. So I realized a few years ago how some of my other interests such as studying martial arts and horseback riding have concepts. But I was learning that had value and practical application in my chosen career of teaching music. Thus providing insights and new ways to teach piano playing techniques that I would not have realized otherwise. So, when I heard this and it mentions that polymaths can “think outside the box,” that really resonated with me. They don’t understand that everything they learn broadens perspective to find the truth and also helps solve issues. Buy this shirt:  Pusheen nurse trained to save your ass not kiss it shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/pusheen-nurse-trained-to-save-your-ass-not-kiss-it-shirt

Softball my daughter throws harder than your son shirt

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Not everyone is born with a Softball my daughter throws harder than your son shirt. Or natural ability that can be commanded into a skill or profession. A doctor can become a doctor just because he’s got the money to become one and wants a big paycheck. Doesn’t mean he’s good at it. I’m 60 years old and have had many callings in my life. Some I just fell into; some I pursued. Most provided a paycheck but a few were the volunteer. I seem to have 7-year cycles. And I’ve been perfectly okay about this because of all the great stories, experiences, people I’ve met along the way and the lessons I learned. There’s a book of short stories or a screenplay or two in my cache. There is in yours too. It’s not about talent. It’s about curiosity to see if you have a passion for something and the courage to dream. Buy this shirt:  Softball my daughter throws harder than your son shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/softball-my-daughter-throws-harder-than-your-son-shirt

Fireball because no great camping story ever started with someone eating a salad shirt

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Being okay at many things is its own kind of Fireball because no great camping story ever started with someone eating a salad shirt. Like someone who speaks multiple languages. Maybe not an expert at all of them, but competency at so many is admirable and valuable across life experiences. I am the Jack of all Trades, master of none. But I enjoy moving from one project to the next, doing my best! Never good enough to be recognized though! Look up mindfulness exercises. So it helps to appreciate the little things. And don’t underestimate yourself, people can see it, keep smiling like that and good things will come. They might be little and insignificant, but they will make you happy, one step at a time. Everyone has a talent. Buy this shirt:  Fireball because no great camping story ever started with someone eating a salad shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/fireball-because-no-great-camping-story-ever-started-with-someone-eating-a-salad-shirt

I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do shirt

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I am literally depressed I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do shirt right now. Because of this feeling of not knowing what it is that I want to do with my professional life. I have made it on a personal level, awesome partner and beautiful children. But for some reason the commercial world wants me to either be somebody else. So better or just wants me to buy some stuff I didn’t know I needed or even wanted. Everything seems to revolve around being better as an individual when society is divorcing from itself. In all honesty, I was born and raised an atheist. But I think the biggest thing we need as a species is something to believe in that can’t be sold by some celebrity endorsement campaign. Buy this shirt:  I don’t always drink when I’m camping oh wait yes I do shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/i-dont-always-drink-when-im-camping-oh-wait-yes-i-do-shirt

Inglourious Basterds Italian Dominic Decoco hope poster shirt

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Well, you can communicate through the Inglourious Basterds Italian Dominic Decoco hope poster shirt. So you’re aware of your emotional being, you know what you don’t know. But give yourself credit for what you do know! Sometimes “ok” is good enough, and if you stick with it, you will become better! It’s like when you start an exercise program, in the beginning, is hard and painful, but if you stick with it, you will see results in six to eight weeks! Start with this! I too suffered from depression because I want to achieve many things. But everyone around me said I am not good enough to do everything. Why being good at 1 thing is so over-valued in our society. I even became suicidal recently. Buy this shirt:  Inglourious Basterds Italian Dominic Decoco hope poster shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/inglourious-basterds-italian-dominic-decoco-hope-poster-shirt

Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Tesco shirt

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New stories are just that, Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Tesco shirt. I am not posting this. So I order to be critical or judgemental towards you, I am truly wanting to be a positive influence. Not a lecturer or just preaching. Unlike you, I born and raised in a Christian family. But, I didn’t get it. I actually felt like you. The only difference is I knew there was a God, but I thought I was missing something else. Don’t get me wrong, there is a difference in knowing in my mind there is a God, and believing in my heart and following his directions. I actually looked for what I was missing. I moved 17 times, in 5 different states looking. Buy this shirt:  Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Tesco shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/grinch-i-used-to-smile-and-then-i-worked-at-tesco-shirt

List of Chicago Bears players NFC North champions 20 18 shirt

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Just remember we all different List of Chicago Bears players NFC North champions 20 18 shirt. So never feel you don’t belong somewhere, my own life has been a roller coaster of experiences and has made me who I am to this day, a fairly decent human being I hope, I like to think I’m a bit wiser in some ways so never doubt yourself, it what makes you who you are. I bet you’re better than just ‘ok’ at many things!! You deserve to give yourself more credit! Others are good at finishing the project, I understand that you need to finish school if you want a degree. But is a diploma that important in your path? Could you just offer your help to those who can’t start , those who can’t figure out how to get the guts to start a project? Buy this shirt:  List of Chicago Bears players NFC North champions 20 18 shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/list-of-chicago-bears-players-nfc-north-champions-20-18-shirt

P Mahomes Andy Reid Tyreek Hill Kansas City Chiefs Roster GoodFellas shirt

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I was moved by your P Mahomes Andy Reid Tyreek Hill Kansas City Chiefs Roster GoodFellas shirt. The word passion can cause so much pressure. Maybe it’s can be simple when asked in a different way – “what lights you up?”. The word passion is intense and has all sorts of expectations attached to it. What makes you laugh, brings joy, lights you up? So hope this is a lighter way to approach it. I hear you. there’s a lot of pressure to live up to some really crazy expectations professionally. I struggled with this for a long time being someone with a million interests. My path has been quite adventurous. But the pressure is lessened. Because I stay focus on “what lights me up” rather than thinking about the rest of my life or what my “passion” is. Buy this shirt:  P Mahomes Andy Reid Tyreek Hill Kansas City Chiefs Roster GoodFellas shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/p-mahomes-andy-reid-tyreek-hill-kansas-city-chiefs-roster-goodfellas-shirt

Books saved my life shirt

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It’s more often boys being pathologized in public school and Books saved my life shirt. So these days tells you all you need to know about how sedentary and hands-off they are. They’re going in the opposite direction than the one they should be, yet people refuse to believe that they’re more irrelevant than ever. My son is 17 and he wants nothing to do with it. Much can say about raising boys embracing the full complement of their emotional selves. Instead of burying parts of themselves and let it rear it’s repressed head in later adult years as some dysfunction. Or even violence; a lifetime of resentment for not being accepted for who they are. Not to take anything away from what she is saying. But I also see this existing in cultures where shame is prevalent. Risk can be an excellent thing in the appropriate setting. Buy this shirt:  Books saved my life shirt Home:  https://nicefrogtees.com

Eeyore Yeah I’ve got O.C.D old cranky and dangerous shirt

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That their gender, the color of their skin, the faith of their Eeyore Yeah I’ve got O.C.D old cranky and dangerous shirt. So the language they use to express themselves is not their essence. As forces in the world conspire to strip us of our humanity it is incumbent on us to provide the experiences. So every child needs to be capable of recalling t Buy this shirt:  Eeyore Yeah I’ve got O.C.D old cranky and dangerous shirt Home:  https://nicefrogtees.com

Deadpool Mercnite Fortnite shirt

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We’ve noticed the way we raise girls differently from Deadpool Mercnite Fortnite shirt is negatively impacting the rest of their lives. We need to stop treating girls like they are delicate little flowers who need to stay in a bubble, not take risks and always be perfect. Like we already do for with the majority of boys, these girls should be encouraged to take smart risks, embrace imperfection and strive for their dreams. Maybe understanding reality would help you. If you need special treatment, you are not qualified for employment or life. It seems to me that boys are the ones receiving special treatment and incentives. Buy this shirt:  Deadpool Mercnite Fortnite shirt Home:  https://nicefrogtees.com

Javy Baez will tag you out Chicago Cubs shirt

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Good general advice for either Javy Baez will tag you out Chicago Cubs shirt. But using blanket statements as the foundation was a divisive way to start. “Girls are this, a boy is that” etc. There are plenty of other factors at play in this ‘bravery gap’ aside from what taught. But the message positive and provided me with another perspective to learn from or build upon. I can dig that. I agree that kids need feel safe enough to fail, but I don’t agree the “line” runs down genders. My son struggles with a fear of failure but his friend is happy to be directed and corrected and moves forward without comment. He reserved and quiet, an observer. She’s loud and outgoing, a doer. He’s used to getting things right the first time. She accustomed to do-overs. Buy this shirt:  Javy Baez will tag you out Chicago Cubs shirt Home:  https://nicefrogtees.com

Deadpool Mercnite Fortnite shirt

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We’ve noticed the way we raise girls differently from Deadpool Mercnite Fortnite shirt is negatively impacting the rest of their lives. We need to stop treating girls like they are delicate little flowers who need to stay in a bubble, not take risks and always be perfect. Like we already do for with the majority of boys, these girls should be encouraged to take smart risks, embrace imperfection and strive for their dreams. Maybe understanding reality would help you. If you need special treatment, you are not qualified for employment or life. It seems to me that boys are the ones receiving special treatment and incentives. Buy this shirt:  Deadpool Mercnite Fortnite shirt Home:  https://nicefrogtees.com

Javy Baez is good at baseball Chicago Cubs shirt

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That’s a given we all know that or we wouldn’t have Javy Baez is good at baseball Chicago Cubs shirt. Obviously what I’m trying to get across, which I seem to not be doing well is that biology does play a huge part too. Biological traits are hair color, eye color, height, etc. There is no behavior either in humans or other animals that are not driven by societal function. When a gorilla beats on his chest to show he’s the biggest worst gorilla, that is a social behavior. When a gorilla’s descendants have bigger pectoral muscles because it was helpful to past generations, that is a biological trait. Male humans are generally physically more muscular than female humans, that is a biological trait. Using those more pronounced muscles to intimidate or rush into a burning building are social behaviors. So we can give more equal opportunities to our future generations. Buy this shirt:  Javy Baez is good at baseball Chicago Cubs shirt Home:  https://nicefrogtees.com

Wisconsin Badgers Green Bay Packers Marquette Golden Eagles Milwaukee shirt

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You have said Wisconsin Badgers Green Bay Packers Marquette Golden Eagles Milwaukee Brewers Admirals Bucks shirt! Until you have been to a country and experienced the good and bad you are only relying on what the media wants you to see. Traveling for 15 years as a backpacker gave me more education than anything else ever could. We are all different and the same. The country the culture does not matter. It’s not as expensive as you think. Have you actually looked into it or are you just going by what other people say? And not only working but also being invited by their families and friends over weekends! It opens your mind and gives a common feeling to all mankind!  I totally agree! And if one can not travel, read lots of books from all parts of this beautiful planet! One can learn many things from reading, and slowly, the ignorance fades away. More than my education has opened my heart. Buy this shirt:  Wisconsin Badgers Green Bay Packers Marquette Golden Eagles Milw...

Kinda have baby fever Kinda think I have too many kids already shirt

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I know the streets are not paved with Kinda have baby fever Kinda think I have too many kids already shirt. But are as many children starving to death on the African continent as portrayed here? It annoys me when people say I don’t see color. I think it’s insulting. Culture is wonderful and important. We shouldn’t homogenize everyone. I see the gorgeous colors and range in the various skin of people around the world and it is Beautiful. Why do people see the story and not the beauty? Therefore one race, many skin tones, and features because he likes us that way, precious every one. He doesn’t want to lose a single one. Buy this shirt:  Kinda have baby fever Kinda think I have too many kids already shirt Home:  https://nicefrogtees.com

Books saved my life shirt

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It’s more often boys being pathologized in public school and Books saved my life shirt. So these days tells you all you need to know about how sedentary and hands-off they are. They’re going in the opposite direction than the one they should be, yet people refuse to believe that they’re more irrelevant than ever. My son is 17 and he wants nothing to do with it. Much can say about raising boys embracing the full complement of their emotional selves. Instead of burying parts of themselves and let it rear it’s repressed head in later adult years as some dysfunction. Or even violence; a lifetime of resentment for not being accepted for who they are. Not to take anything away from what she is saying. But I also see this existing in cultures where shame is prevalent. Risk can be an excellent thing in the appropriate setting. Buy this shirt:  Books saved my life shirt Home:  https://nicefrogtees.com

LGBT UFO Unicorn too gay for this world shirt

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You fail to understand that those are people who already had LGBT UFO Unicorn too gay for this world shirt. So their environment nurtured or triggered those pathologies very overt and violent ways. Whereas, someone who raised in a more privileged environment may show those pathologies in very different ways. That considered more socially acceptable or at least socially invisible like, verbal abuse. Gaslighting, hoarding resources, taking enjoyment in watching others suffer. You assume that these pathologies all present themselves in the same way and therefore can boil down to the environment. What you are missing is that the environment only informed them as to the means of how they personally inflict pain. Buy this shirt:  LGBT UFO Unicorn too gay for this world shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/lgbt-ufo-unicorn-too-gay-for-this-world-shirt

George Takei the Arc of justice is long but it bends toward impeachment shirt

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One of my favorite shirt, George Takei the Arc of justice is long but it bends toward impeachment shirt. Well said, eye-opening and makes you think of the single-story others may have read about you before even knowing you. As well as, the single story you’ve unconsciously told yourself about others. But most people are so enamored by these single stories that we miss the beauteous complexity of humanity. I remember how surprised I upon arriving in America a couple of years ago. Where the glitter and brazen wealth that the movies and press portrayed to us in Nigeria? So why there so many broken roads, boarded homes, homeless people and drugs everywhere? Then it hit me! The power of propaganda! Specially created versions of CNN and tabloids to portray falsehood of America to the rest of the world. Buy this shirt:  George Takei the Arc of justice is long but it bends toward impeachment shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/george-takei-the-arc-of-justice-is-long-but-it-bend...

Baby Mickey mouse and Grinch shirt

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I’m an indigenous person and what you are describing is a Baby Mickey mouse and Grinch shirt. So that leaves others out in the cold. Many times people don’t think they elevate themselves above others but they haven’t walked in their shoes, so they don’t understand why the outcomes are different, being blind to their own privilege. Such and materialistic less than the insightful view. Socrates, Krishnamurti and so many others who examined and explored our nature found it and described the path to it long ago. All beings are good in nature yet only act poorly due to ignorance. Socrates. It’s possible to personally understand this statement and does not require statistics. Well, I get that she used kidney donors as examples of unselfishness and caring for others. Buy this shirt:  Baby Mickey mouse and Grinch shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/baby-mickey-mouse-and-grinch-shirt

Vintage Alien movie that’s it man game over man game over shirt

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Did you fail to hear that Vintage Alien movie that’s it man game over man game over shirt? So it’s not a big deal what if a woman would it do to another woman. Which I’ve seen and are you telling me that this happens to a woman she said. Oh, I don’t like being touched not cool and murdered. Or are you comparing two different things? No guy or girl, not a big deal woman have done this to me much time I didn’t get fury. Because I don’t feel like I’m levitating above of everyone else. If you don’t want someone touching you tell them hey not cool. So you shouldn’t be touching people if they don’t want to be touched generalizing half the population and turning this into something. Buy this shirt:  Vintage Alien movie that’s it man game over man game over shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/vintage-alien-movie-thats-it-man-game-over-man-game-over-shirt

Golf Best papa by par shirt

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It’s about someone feeling like they can come into my personal space without my Golf Best papa by par shirt. Yeah maybe someone grabs your beard, but is it in a context of flirting? This was not and it was weird and made me very uncomfortable and only the most recent example that I thought of. I have men thinking they can do what they want in other ways but this is what I presented to make my point. The whole point is how subtly machismo digs so deep into our subconscious as women that we don’t even know how to draw the line anymore. We are made to think that it’s ok to cross that line and then how far does it go? Handshakes and winking? Come on, dude. Flirting when warranted is not what we’re talking about here. Buy this shirt:  Golf Best papa by par shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/golf-best-papa-by-par-shirt

Vintage wish you were beer shirt

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This is a genuine Vintage wish you were beer shirt. How often would you say a stranger would touch you inappropriately on the subway? Or comment on how you speak or comment on how you are dressed? And he can probably spit bigger loogies. In any case, one should typically not touch another person without permission. Unless it is to help them when they are in danger, it’s not hard to say “excuse me” and be polite. But also if you’ve lived or traveled to some big cities. Then you know that just cause someone touches you or pushes past you, moves you. So doesn’t mean they are trying to be rude. It just means you are both humans going in a direction and your paths crossed. For one to think its ok to stand in the way is false. Buy this shirt:  Vintage wish you were beer shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/vintage-wish-you-were-beer-shirt

I don’t need life I’m high on drugs shirt

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Woman have been trained either by I don’t need life I’m high on drugs shirt. Just because we do it, to learn how to pretend, we all probably should win academy awards. We smile when we are so terribly sad and hurt. So we hear sexist remarks and put on that bland face. And we live our lives pretending we can cope, suck it up, manage the unmanageable. So we hopefully have a new wave of young women who won’t be like the previous generations. But we all learn how to act, if anyone knew the rage, hurt, put-downs we endure from loved ones as well, they would be very surprised. Ask these men how they would feel if another man did that to them? Buy this shirt:  I don’t need life I’m high on drugs shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/i-dont-need-life-im-high-on-drugs-shirt

Miami miracle 7 seconds left 12/9/18 4th quarter Tannehill shirt

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There are many people who would never consider Miami miracle 7 seconds left 12/9/18 4th quarter Tannehill to Stills to Parker to Drake 33 final score 34 the lateral heard round the world shirt. I have never “moved” a grown but smaller person. I don’t know your size, but the odds are that there are at least a few people in the world larger than you. Would you expect to be treated this way by all of them? Only a small percentage of people think they can move another person rather than saying excuse me. Or putting on an impatient look, or clearing one’s throat, or whatever. Those types would move a woman or a small man if they felt like it. Just to be physically oppressive. Or just because they can. But it is not acceptable. Yep. But I take issue with one thing you said. Buy this shirt:  Miami miracle 7 seconds left 12/9/18 4th quarter Tannehill shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/miami-miracle-7-seconds-left-12918-4th-quarter-tannehill-shirt

Jolliest bunch of camping friends this side if the Nuthouse shirt

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Sometimes guys get Jolliest bunch of camping friends this side if the Nuthouse shirt if you tell them off. A smile or giggle is a response which keeps the peace. We are teaching men it is ok to do these things because we smile. Even though we do it for our own protection at times. Right cause sometimes that just gives them the wrong idea and it gets worse. I’m not buying the “for our protection” thing. I don’t think there’s one right answer, though. Normal in bigger cities, I’ve had people do similar, to me I just view it as a kind gesture, though I’d feel intrusive if I did it to another. He definitely should have gone to jail. I have women come up and grab my beard all the time without asking. It’s an annoyance at best. Buy this shirt:  Jolliest bunch of camping friends this side if the Nuthouse shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/jolliest-bunch-of-camping-friends-this-side-if-the-nuthouse-shirt

Teacher Elf there’s room for everyone on the nice list shirt

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Most men do experience this Teacher Elf there’s room for everyone on the nice list shirt. But it’s just that they don’t whine as they have many other things to deal with. Priorities. You’re right, It’s not acceptable, you can use your words and step around if it came down to it. I so badly wanted to hear more about the story though. I can’t believe that was just dropped. Must be similar to throw your toys out the pram. Not a great expression for getting angry with someone who manhandles you. It means you are having a childish temper tantrum. Nothing childish about telling someone to keep their hands off. I’ve been shoved plenty of times by rude women. It’s never acceptable when either sex does it, but I’d never think. Buy this shirt:  Teacher Elf there’s room for everyone on the nice list shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/teacher-elf-theres-room-for-everyone-on-the-nice-list-shirt

Grinch people think I’m nice until they work with me at Spar shirt

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In my youth, anyone touching me without my Grinch people think I’m nice until they work with me at Spar shirt. I was lucky to not be squarely punched and kicked in the shins. Am still like that, even tho now old. If I’d had girl children, expect they would be the same way. Point is if more men were confronted with blowback. Or the fury, from girls and women their overbearing behavior often engenders. They might become more amenable to becoming retrained. It depends on the situation and if you are in danger if you were to say something to defend yourself or stop it. You gotta tell them to back the eff up. Just come straight out and be like look, dude, if you touch me by accident I’m gonna punch you in the throat. I think you are a man-hating ‘victim’. Buy this shirt:  Grinch people think I’m nice until they work with me at Spar shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/grinch-people-think-im-nice-until-they-work-with-me-at-spar-shirt

God would not have made me a quilter if he wanted me to cook and clean shirt

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I’m a cashier and was having some small talk chit chat with God would not have made me a quilter if he wanted me to cook and clean shirt. So he took it upon himself to get an eyelash off of my face before I could react. It caught me off guard and made me feel very uncomfortable and violated, because of his manner. But I shrugged it off. I immediately thought more about it and felt angry that I let him do that. Why didn’t I duck and say “please don’t do that” or something? Because I’ve been conditioned to giggle it off and allow it. She’s so right. The take away here is that the man acknowledged the woman as an object. Not a person, an object that needed to be moved so that he can get what he needs. Buy this shirt:  God would not have made me a quilter if he wanted me to cook and clean shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/god-would-not-have-made-me-a-quilter-if-he-wanted-me-to-cook-and-clean-shirt-and-hoodie

Vintage Letterkenny Wayne pitter patter let’s get after shirt

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Try to see this from another Vintage Letterkenny Wayne pitter patter let’s get after shirt. Touching other people, especially on the face, is intimate. Do you want some strange man wiping something off you? No? Then don’t expect others to be okay with it. He was only trying to be a gentleman. Did you ever think about that? Good, grief people get a life. There is nothing gentlemanly about touching someone you don’t know. Gentlemanly would be either ignoring it or telling her. So gentlemanly is respecting her. Gentlemanly is making someone comfortable, not making them uncomfortable. I hope you’re not teaching manners to young men. Yes, it would still be uncomfortable. Don’t touch strangers. It’s not nice to touch strangers. It’s rude to touch strangers. Buy this shirt:  Vintage Letterkenny Wayne pitter patter let’s get after shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/vintage-letterkenny-wayne-pitter-patter-lets-get-after-shirt

Deadpool I like to stay in bed it’s too peopley shirt

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I remember, working in a failing school, we had a Deadpool I like to stay in bed it’s too peopley shirt. They knew it, and they played up to it. A new head came in, she apparently noticed that the prior data suggested they were above average in ability. This may or may not have been true, in retrospect. But she stopped reinforcing the expectations of their poor behavior and started telling them how bright they were. At first, they laughed, but not for long. And the expectations of them changed. So they responded. And they succeeded. Teachers have the power to change the world. You were chosen to be in my class. Because I’m the best teacher and you’re the best students. Buy this shirt:  Deadpool I like to stay in bed it’s too peopley shirt Home:   https://moteefe.com/store/deadpool-i-like-to-stay-in-bed-its-too-peopley-shirt-and-hoodie