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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2019

Fireball camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt

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Are you serious Fireball camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was shirt? Or was that a joke? If you are serious can you do me a favor? Think about someone you know that is going through death or a job loss. Or some kind of life changing tragic event of which they have no control and then watch the shirt again. I truly hope you can see how selfish this woman is acting. If not I would encourage you to spend more time helping others. It thinks it’s telling that so many people are having the reaction that she should have added to someone else’s happiness more. Not wasting her husband’s life; should have thought about others, not herself. But it seems to me that’s probably what was going on. Buy this shirt:  Fireball camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/fireball-camping-i-tried-to-be-a-good-girl-but-then-the-bonfire-was-lit-shirt

Patron camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt

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What was the message with Patron camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was shirt? Not to marry for money or marry for love? She spoke about the money, not much about having a loveless marriage. My ex-husband had a half a million dollars and I can tell you about loveless marriage and not mention one thing about a Vespa. I’m just wondering who actually sat through this bullshit sob story. What is beautiful about this message? Ok, she wasn’t happy in her marriage. So, talk about it, and leave when there is no solution. So many people have to make this decision, and they are not looking for approval from other people like this woman does. For god’s sake, woman, grow up, stop whining, and take responsibility for your decision. Buy this shirt:  Patron camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/patron-camping-i-tried-to-be-a-good-girl-but-then-the-bonfire-was-lit-shirt

Wine camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt

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In the world’s narrative Wine camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was shirt. The more women write, speak, paint their individual stories the more we will realize how women have been criticizing. So, tell your story in a way that suits you and encourage all of the women. And girls whom you know to do the same. The anger that women have. Because this woman is up on a stage sharing her story. Fascinating but women castigating other women has a long history. You don’t have to agree with or support her in any way but what is your point in vilifying her. I would be much more interested in hearing your story. I love to hear the stories of women’s lives. Thank you for your wise perspective. I do understand where you are coming from. Buy this shirt:  Wine camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/wine-camping-i-tried-to-be-a-good-girl-but-then-the-bonfire-was-lit-shirt

I’m a boy I just have better hair than you shirt

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l was shocked that others did not, there I’m a boy I just have better hair than you shirt is sad they wanted her to stay and live a false life that so many of us live. For me, she is courageous and strong for exiting. Her husband will thank his lucky stars for not being with a woman who never loved him from the beginning. After all, it is Love that we all seek to love and be loved in return. Waiting 9 years only to suddenly feel that ur not happy and leave ur husband? Why didn’t she do it in the first place if she’s truly courageous? For me, that’s a bitch move tbh if she had a problem say it from the start. Don’t ruin someone’s life and waste 9 years of his life. Buy this shirt:  I’m a boy I just have better hair than you shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/im-a-boy-i-just-have-better-hair-than-you-shirt-and-hoodie

Weed let’s get high and deny Christ shirt

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She was probably banging Vito the Weed let’s get high and deny Christ shirt guy and decided that one penis was no longer enough anymore. It makes as much sense as her dumb ass run on sentence. Shes a child on the inside! Her word is shit. Judging people online is easy but it doesn’t make it right. For those that are being critical and harsh after seeing 3mins of someone’s life please remember that she is still a person with feelings. She is my sister and I am proud of her. Her journey to discover her happiness wasn’t easy. Comments saying she didn’t try or she’s whining need to understand that she tried for nine years to make it work. She did everything she could to be happy in a relationship that wasn’t meant to be. So she married the illusion society conditions us to believe will make you happy. She tried to be happy that way and it didn’t work, it was killing her. Buy this shirt:  Weed let’s get high and deny Christ shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/weed-lets-get-h...

Hei Hei underestimate me that’ll be fun shirt

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It’s possible to find your own Hei Hei underestimate me that’ll be fun shirt and live it within the parameters of the life you’re already living. I don’t understand the need to chuck everything for something else. So you find a way to incorporate something new without destroying what you already have. Most of the comments are about her selfishness. But the 9+ years of lies to her family, friends and her husband are the sticking points. Nothing in that monologue spoke of self-discovery or growth. To me, it sounded like she needed to get some help and all she did was run away from what she perceived as her issues. She was selfish when she married and selfish when she divorced. In society, she was meant to marry a man and create a family. Buy this shirt:  Hei Hei underestimate me that’ll be fun shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/hei-hei-underestimate-me-thatll-be-fun-shirt-and-hoodie

Dog paws jeep shirt

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A smart, self-aware Dog paws jeep shirt won’t end up in this kind of romantic entanglements. I don’t know how a person can go through life the way that lady did. It makes me think of someone who is in a drunken stupor haze 24/7. That would take a person with no sense of self at all to. So think one of the biggest problems that people have with her is that a lot of people think that she has no business being on stage in front of a camera and being paid to be a life coach. That would be like making an 8-year-old 2nd grade teacher of a 1st grade class who also happened to flunk the 1st grade the first time around. Life isn’t about being happy. Buy this shirt:  Dog paws jeep shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/dog-paws-jeep-shirt

Hennessy camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt

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Take away the dramatic Hennessy camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was shirt. And there’s nothing profound about this shirt. With the music, there’s actually nothing profound about this shirt. She not only wasted her life but wasted someone else’s too. Her husband gave her everything he could but couldn’t make her happy and content. She enjoyed it till it lasted, later she bored and hence moved on. And what about the husband who couldn’t move on and actually in love with her. I understand that I have no right to judge her. But I wish none of my friends and family ever get a companion like her. You have to be content with yourself and responsible for your own happiness before others. That’s pretty cold but true. So she needs Jesus, that’s a bad life without God, not with her husband. I love your comment you’re a really smart woman. She is a useless person complaining about nothing. A complete waste of time. Buy this shirt:  Hennessy camping I...

Living life between Jesus take wheel I wish a heifer would shirt

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Many of you say she’s stupid she left Living life between Jesus take wheel I wish a heifer would shirt because she had an amazing life. But it was amazing for you! Not for her, she had another picture of her reality and an amazing world around her and obviously, it wasn’t staying with that man, living in Italy and creating a family like their friends. She captured in a cage, not being free and living in lies for 9 years! I’m surprised she was so strong that she didn’t commit suicide. If she thinks she wasted her own time, the same can be said to the people involved with her. Because of her indecisiveness. Whose expectations? It would make sense if she has been forced to marry. But that mentioned though. Her weak mind has stolen the best years out of some guys life. So she has been selfish from day one choosing the easy path. Because contracts made and broken so frivolously. Buy this shirt:  Living life between Jesus take wheel I wish a heifer would shirt Home:  https://mo...

Jameson camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt

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It’s because you choose Jameson camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was shirt to end up miserable. Happiness begins with you hun, what partner brings should be an addition. You will find yourself in a mental institution if you put your happiness in someone’s hands. What’s the point of this video, walk into marriage and walk out without any good reason and we’ll make you a hero. Wonder if it ever occurred to her. So that she over the top self-centered. And no what she found won’t last. Most likely because she comes across as confused or a gold digger. I do not understand why she got up on a stage in the first place. That might mean developing real honesty with one another, going to marriage counseling.  I had no idea you could pay to do something like this. I think I m going to apply them. Plenty of juicy details in my average existence. Buy this shirt:  Jameson camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt Home:...

Dolly Parton Almanac the higher the hair the closer to Heaven shirt

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That is the same thought that came to my Dolly Parton Almanac the higher the hair the closer to Heaven shirt. In addition to leaving her husband, now it goes viral, which makes him look bad and apart advises others to do the same. Ladies, if you are not in love, do not get married. Do not go to play house and one day you decide to just leave. Love is a choice that we have to make daily, especially because she mentions that this was a good man. Basically, she’s a miserable fucker. And this little video doesn’t tell the entire story. She’s probably at home now being miserable and her only relief is banging on about her life on Facebook. I’d rather count change to make ends meet and make sure we have all necessities and be with a man. Buy this shirt:  Dolly Parton Almanac the higher the hair the closer to Heaven shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/dolly-parton-almanac-the-higher-the-hair-the-closer-to-heaven-shirt

Jon Bon Jovi shirt

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I felt like it was incomplete Jon Bon Jovi shirt. Did she leave her husband permanently or temporarily to find herself and what of her children? I understand she was living with other expectations and suppressing her feelings, but she had good people and things in her life when she came to this realization, did she keep any good parts? Surely it wasn’t all a mistake. She married him when she didn’t know herself and thought it was love but it wasn’t quite that. She still loves her husband in a way. But he didn’t inspire her, etc. I think all these people clamoring for what they think is love, is real people looking for security. That’s a huge difference. I think she makes a brilliant point. You can have an idea of love when you are young and have those ideals but when it comes down to it some times things don’t fit. I have been there. Buy this shirt:  Jon Bon Jovi shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/jon-bon-jovi-shirt

St Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m Groot shirt

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The reason I had the St Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m Groot shirt to leave? Because my parents had always told my sister and me that we did not have to take abuse from anyone. But especially our significant other that was supposed to love us. I knew that at 28 when I got divorced. As much as when I was 16 when I started dating. I don’t know where the hell this “sugar coated this is how life supposed to be rom-com appease everyone else. But crap came from that a lot of women seem to suffer from. When I wanted to save my marriage, it wasn’t for anyone else; it was. Because I truly loved my husband. Not because I thought my dad was going to kill me. They don’t have the brain capacity to grasp it. They are deflecting their own problems and feeling like her problems are minor. Buy this shirt:  St Patrick’s Day kiss me I’m Groot shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/st-patricks-day-kiss-me-im-groot-shirt

Fishing reel girls fish shirt

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Happens all the Fishing reel girls fish shirt to lots and lots of people. All of these speakers and we’re supposed to care deeply for them but there’s really nothing pulling us in. I don’t think people are hard-wired to be happy most of the time. I think they supposed to have happy moments. But not be in a constant blissful state. But I think some people have been spoiled through life and think that there is something wrong. So if they aren’t always in that blissful state that they supposed to be in and I think this lady is one of those people. I think she is trying to catch a rainbow. Live it the way I want to. We as women sacrifice so much for the sake of our loved ones and pleasing others. I believe true happiness to love and loved. That is the only thing that is real. Buy this shirt:  Fishing reel girls fish shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/fishing-reel-girls-fish-shirt

Cock rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt

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I get her Cock rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt. What was she wanted after saying she had a beautiful life. I don’t know. This isn’t being judgemental but what is it more than she likes? Maybe if she turned out to be like Mother Theresa, I would understand. I watched the whole speech on youtube. I thought I missed something. But, yes it was a bite or some kind of bait. She didn’t get into the details of the cause or causes of her unhappiness. She just felt lonely. Then she decided to call her dad. I think her message is the communication with the family, the father specifically. Despite everything she went through, it dawned on her that she is empty. And when she called her dad who surprisingly welcomed her, that was when she came to a realization that that’s what was missing. I might be wrong. Buy this shirt:  Cock rock paper scissors throat punch I win shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/cock-rock-paper-scissors-throat-punch-i-win-shirt

Gardening I like to play in the dirt shirt

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What does she tell her  Gardening I like to play in the dirt shirt? I think she has to attend a party at his job tonight his mistress will be there with her husband. What do you tell this woman? She should have known her life is a joke? Why the heck she got married the first place if she was unsure. Marriage is not a seasonal game. She should sort things out for kids and stay and try to stop him until he does. Unless he’s beating her up or not supporting her financially also. She should sacrifice just for children. One day he will be embarrassed. Sure he loves his children but is making a bad mistake. No one abuse this one, she is just one of our typical Italian women who marry older rich men for their wealth. And when they are done with, claim they don’t know what comes on them marrying.   Buy this shirt:  Gardening I like to play in the dirt shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/gardening-i-like-to-play-in-the-dirt-shirt

Dragonfly flying heart shirt

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She’s her own Dragonfly flying heart shirt. When we don’t know who we are and lack low self-esteem we make poor decisions and we continue to make a poor decision because we worry about everyone else but yourself. You shouldn’t judge her I think no one should judge anyone. We all feel different and we all do things differently. It isn’t our fault. But I’m glad she realized something and started to take care of herself first. Because in the end, it’s yourself who should come first. Nobody else. Marriage is not a game everything was so wonderful why did she marry in the first place. She should have talked to her husband to understand her needs to live and experience the life that she might have lost since she married early at her young age. The point is to show people. Buy this shirt:  Dragonfly flying heart shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/dragonfly-flying-heart-shirt

Captain Morgan camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt

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I’m trying to figure out your Captain Morgan camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was shirt. Why are concluding that I am being naive? All I said was that something exists, and I know that because I’ve personally experienced it. I never made any conclusions or assumptions about anyone, nor did I discredit anyone’s personal experiences. All I did was discuss my life’s journey. So would you be so kind and please elaborate on why you called me naive. And doing exactly what accused me of, discrediting someone personal experiences of their own? So how could stupid one be to leave love, and so much? Just because a stupid thought pops up in your stupid head? What else could you want? Stop so damned judgemental of other people’s lives. So why should anyone have forced to be happy if they aren’t! Buy this shirt:  Captain Morgan camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/captain-morgan-ca...

Busch Light camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt

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She is reaching out to Busch Light camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was shirt. Who unaware that it’s in their power to make hard decisions. And they don’t need to seek validation or approval from anyone and ignore judgmental folks. Why she so scared of what her dad would do? Surely he would not want her to be unhappy. And what about out her poor husband? He deserved a woman who loved him, not his money. So isn’t it kinder to end it then suffer and fake things for a person who could have a real life with someone better suited? I love my husband endlessly. But if it came to a point where we weren’t compatible. I’d let him go no matter how much it hurt. So we could both find out happily ever after. Someone hanging on to it like that is selfish. Buy this shirt:  Busch Light camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/busch-light-camping-i-tried-to-be-a-good-girl-but-then-the-bonf...

Did I ever tell you about the time I went backpacking through Western Europe shirt

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At least she didn’t live a Did I ever tell you about the time I went backpacking through Western Europe shirt. Many people go through Marriage living a lie. In the end, they are unhappy. If walls could talk. You will be shocked to hear what’s going on in people’s homes. Some people are only putting on a front. If she’s typical of this generation, then we’re really in trouble. Marriage is about commitment and facing together what life will throw at you. In my case, it’s been an incurable illness, many deaths, career moves, disappointments, failures, children, and all of the hat comes with issues that are not happy. But what gets you through it is that you made a commitment when you married that person, and created the marriage itself. Marriage not about happiness at any given moment. Buy this shirt:  Did I ever tell you about the time I went backpacking through Western Europe shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/did-i-ever-tell-you-about-the-time-i-went-backpacking-thro...

I’m good in bed I can sleep all day shirt

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 I understand her I’m good in bed I can sleep all day shirt. I was brought up during an era that women placed their lives behind the husband, the children and definitely the parents. We did what our parents wanted and as parents, we always think we know what’s best for our children. You take an oath before God and commit to marriage, good and bad times, richer or poor, sickness and health, and until death you do part. Those vows are sacred to many, divorce wasn’t conceivable. So put your happiness aside and you make it work. She wasn’t happy, she had convinced herself she had what it took to be happy, she couldn’t understand why she wasn’t happy. The painting was a great analogy, things aren’t always as they seem. Her age isn’t mentioned. Buy this shirt:  I’m good in bed I can sleep all day shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/im-good-in-bed-i-can-sleep-all-day-shirt

New Kids on the Block 30 years NKOTB Mcintyre Knight Wood Knight Wahlberg shirt

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You all may be content to live a lie and have New Kids on the Block 30 years NKOTB Mcintyre Knight Wood Knight Wahlberg 80s baby mixtape tour shirt but others cannot. I am not going to sit here and be gossip or be judgmental, I’ll leave that up to the experts. And to be so cavalier about. She should have done that before getting married and you don’t outgrow anyone, people who say that were never in love, to begin with. This just seems like a selfish person who thinks of no one but herself. So your own happiness is more important than that of everyone else? Don’t ever become a parent, please lady! When you have had enough of them you might just up and leave. Not motivational at all. Quite disgusting. People will not understand where she’s coming from until you’ve been into a similar situation. Buy this shirt:  New Kids on the Block 30 years NKOTB Mcintyre Knight Wood Knight Wahlberg shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/new-kids-on-the-block-30-years-nkotb-mcintyre-knigh...

Weightlifting skull old man gym lifting club masters division respect your elder shirt

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I kept waiting for  Weightlifting skull old man gym lifting club masters division respect your elder shirt, but it never came. What wasn’t she happy about? That’s why she used a painting analogy. Because paints can be seen and interpreted differently by people. To her it’s sad but to most women, she just wasted a man’s life because she was immature. Some people wish they had her problems. Those who understand they will never judge, those who judge will never understand!  She was young. She has spoonfed a vision and she stuck to it. There is an implied. So I did what I thought was the right thing to do, based on other ideas of what they thought was right for me going on. She stuck to other people’s visions, mainly her parents or fathers. Buy this shirt:  Weightlifting skull old man gym lifting club masters division respect your elder shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/weightlifting-skull-old-man-gym-lifting-club-masters-division-respect-your-elder-shirt

Easily distracted by cats and teeth shirt

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It wasn’t about him or their relationship it was about Easily distracted by cats and teeth shirt. God first, you second, your family third. How can you take care of your family if you aren’t able to take care of the first priority which is yourself? But how are you going to be there 100% for someone else if you’re not 100% there for yourself? Young not all people grow together. Fairy tales can come true and happy-ever-after can come true but the opposite can happen also, and there’s a reason the divorce rate is over 50 per cent. I just went through this for seven years and I finally made that big decision that I was so scared of but I knew I had to. And everything that was going on. Nobody Had not one tiny idea that it was ever or whatever be happening behind closed doors. Buy this shirt:  Easily distracted by cats and teeth shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/easily-distracted-by-cats-and-teeth-shirt

Arrow IEP I Expect Progress special education teacher shirt

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That it was simply an Arrow IEP I Expect Progress special education teacher shirt. Do none of you stops and thinks she also did her husband favour? She didn’t state she wasted 9 years, her husband may not have felt that way either. I’m sure they have many great memories and I’m sure he is living a beautiful life with lasting love, now. Stop telling people they need to commit to whatever has conditioned to stay or to view a perfect life as so. It is not selfish to be unfulfilled, it is selfish to expect someone to stay put when they aren’t. I just don’t understand what there is to judge or be confused by. She reclaimed and it’s such a shame that so many women are belittling her decision to find the right path for her, to find happiness and fulfilment. Buy this shirt:  Arrow IEP I Expect Progress special education teacher shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/arrow-iep-i-expect-progress-special-education-teacher-shirt

Weightlifting assuming I was like most old men was your first mistake shirt

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Years later, she will make Weightlifting assuming I was like most old men was your first mistake shirt about the incorrect decision she took in life. Because that’s the kind of people that never knows what they want. Didn’t you hear the woman say she held on to a life that made her miserable? Because she feared what others would thin?. Especially her father. What are you missing? No one wants any one’s pity, she’s sharing her journey. This is the story of almost every Indian child! Your career is decided for you by your parents, anything else and you’ve deemed a rebel and failure, taunted that you’re never going to make it. Your parents n relatives decide who you’re gonna marry, even if you love someone else. Buy this shirt:  Weightlifting assuming I was like most old men was your first mistake shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/weightlifting-assuming-i-was-like-most-old-men-was-your-first-mistake-shirt

Never underestimate a woman football loves Patrick Mahomes Kansas City Chiefs shirt

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Her husband probably would have Never underestimate a woman who understands football and loves Patrick Mahomes Kansas City Chiefs shirt to her if he wasn’t feeling it. Life is too short to worry about what other people think! I thought she was going to say she was gay, I guess her point is that it’s easier to walk away from a horrible marriage than a nice marriage without feeling guilty. hat a way to be disconnected and unaware of her own feelings. Unable to agree with tho. But everything to the trash can for lack of personal work. She was very selfish. There is something called responsibly. She behaved like a spoiled child. That’s why she thought it was better so he can find a good loving lady rather than live with only a housekeeper. Don’t you think? Buy this shirt:  Never underestimate a woman football loves Patrick Mahomes Kansas City Chiefs shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/never-underestimate-a-woman-football-loves-patrick-mahomes-kansas-city-chiefs-shirt

St Patrick’s Day my spirit animal is a drunk Unicorn dabbing who stabs annoying people shirt

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I could agree with St Patrick’s Day my spirit animal is a drunk Unicorn dabbing who stabs annoying people shirt. But tell me, would you like to have a husband who doesn’t live with you? Because he truly loves you. But for duty? Would you like to have someone by your side who stays not wanting to be there with you in his heart? But lessons can be learned from her mistakes. I bet 10 years from now she’ll still be searching while dead friends line her old path. Later he will thank her. Because she gave him his freedom to live his life he will meet his perfect match. But on the opposite, he will get hurt even more if she was living with him by petty and trying to love him. The right one for a person is not definitely the right one for another. I respect her decision. Buy this shirt:  St Patrick’s Day my spirit animal is a drunk Unicorn dabbing who stabs annoying people shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/st-patricks-day-my-spirit-animal-is-a-drunk-unicorn-dabbing-who-stabs...

St Patrick’s Day some of us grew up listening to Westlife the cool ones still do shirt

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The truths she is sharing are St Patrick’s Day some of us grew up listening to Westlife the cool ones still do shirt. You can have near everything but nothing if you compromise yourself by fitting to the archetypal storyline rather than going with what you everyone truly needs – love. That trying to fix a basic initial mistake by fooling yourself. So that time will make things better and those things will change, is a cop-out. That true love mutually expressed is supremely important. And that without love you are only one step from hating each other. I realised at the church after the vows that I had made a dreadful mistake but felt the social & family obligation to hang in there – that I could make it work. I should have been man enough to have walked that very day prior to the honeymoon. Buy this shirt:  St Patrick’s Day some of us grew up listening to Westlife the cool ones still do shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/st-patricks-day-some-of-us-grew-up-listenin...

10 things March Asshole shirt

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So all she needed was a good 10 things March Asshole 1 Not one to mess with 2 Prideful 3 Loyal to a fault 4 Will keep it real 100 % 5 Overthinks everything 6 Born leaders 7 Human lie detector 8 Perfectionist 9 Speaks fluent sarcasm 10 Will knock your lights out shirt, counsellor. So honest friend to love her along the way to love herself and appreciate her life and loved ones. What does she need to prove to you? Does she need to describe in detail every ounce of unrest within her? Every little detail about her life that did not measure up to her identity or personhood or desires? People evolve, we already went over this. Many beings marry because they feel it is the right thing to do. Maybe she hadn’t formed a correct depiction of love at that point and realized it was solely comfort or security. I feel sad for all you beings who are steadfast in sticking to a path because you feel you just have to. Buy this shirt:  10 things March Asshole shirt Home:  https://moteefe...

I’m a simple woman I like photography coffee and cat shirt

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Chances of surviving this life might as well be an I’m a simple woman I like photography coffee and cat shirt of events. But true spirituality takes that and turns it into purposes that shines whether sweeping the floor. Or controlling the world is the likely outcome of what you are born into. In the eastern religions, there are many times you wake up in similar situations in one life and seek to find your dharma. It is constructive and not self-serving, and I think the self-serving experience that we feel when we try to live in her philosophy is what causes the immediate revolution that grows into rejection. We think about upended people that have depended and sacrificed to allow us to depend on them for such an empty sensation and know we would and couldn’t do that. Buy this shirt:  I’m a simple woman I like photography coffee and cat shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/im-a-simple-woman-i-like-photography-coffee-and-cat-shirt

I’m a simple woman I love wine flip flop dog paw and camping shirt

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I searched out her I’m a simple woman I love wine flip flop dog paw and camping shirt and she’s probably not gay, which would make the story make sense. Sometimes flowery words mask a story that just doesn’t have much to it. But a kind of self-worshiping pseudo-spirituality. So that makes up a great deal of the more new age materialism. That people raised or committed to spiritual paths find empty and off-putting. She had what called first world problems or some kind of boredom. And lack of feeling important that causes people with a detachment to the suffering in this world equate to suffering. If the only suffering you can learn from is your own. So, a great deal of the lessons life tries to teach you don’t have any fertile soil to grow into wisdom. A situation that produces a dessert that we’re trying to plant some form of thought or the reasoning a multidimensional adult would need to introduce unnecessary suffering into a situation that was great for spiritual development. Buy t...

Downton Abbey characters shirt

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Apparently, what she really is couldn’t take the fake Downton Abbey characters shirt she’s leading anymore. If she really is gay, isn’t it unfair to the husband if she kept up with the marriage just because she leads a wonderful life with him? All the while knowing she really didn’t love him? wouldn’t that be using the man to have a comfortable life? Maybe her reasons aren’t selfish. maybe it’s for everyone’s good too. So the man deserves a real woman to love her and she can’t be that. But didn’t you all consider that? Sometimes we have to see all sides before saying bad things about a person. but you’re all correct. We are entitled to our own opinions. tho hopefully, these are well thought of opinions. I left this video feeling the same way. How is it inspiring to teach people to hurt others in pursuit of their own happiness? She even said he had done nothing wrong to her. Buy this shirt:  Downton Abbey characters shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/downton-abbey-char...

Telling an angry Georgia girl to calm down works about as well as trying shirt

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I can’t believe she even made a Telling an angry Georgia girl to calm down works about as well as trying to baptize a cat shirt re her shallow story. I watched it a few times thinking I missed the soul of the story. There was none. Do you so much resent that you can’t even disconnect yourself from your own situation to listen to her journey without bias? I applaud her for trying to find happiness. You cant make others happy if you arent yourself. Maybe your ex cheated cause he wasn’t happy? Yes, It doesn’t excuse him from his responsibilities as a father but he doesn’t owe you happiness, you have to find it yourself. I agree marriage is for life but what if that person changed their mind, or got married for the wrong reasons? My sister did that, she didn’t want to be the only one left behind, silly I know. Buy this shirt:  Telling an angry Georgia girl to calm down works about as well as trying shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/telling-an-angry-georgia-girl-to-calm-d...

St Patrick’s Day American kiss me I’m a Veteran or Irish or drunk or whatever shirt

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I get your St Patrick’s Day American kiss me I’m a Veteran or Irish or drunk or whatever shirt, I didn’t make assumption what other people need in their life. But we are in the media. And this woman teach us on how to live right but her example is wrong. So I know you know it, but you only stand of what you have learned. I respect her decision but I just told that it is not really good. I’m sorry that you got delt a bad stack of cards. But her story what about finding herself. It’s not whether you have a brilliant husband lots of money blah blah blah. If you have the world and lose yourself what good is that. She found herself not all people do. Maybe just maybe you know deep down the story is relevant to you. I truly pray you to have many blessings I much love joy and happiness in the years ahead of you darling. To the women that have suffered abuse, neglect, violence, control, infidelity etc as I have. You had a great life and husband, decided to go home as you didn’t want it? So wh...

I’m a simple woman I love wine flip flop dog paw and motorcycle shirt

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No one has to give I’m a simple woman I love wine flip flop dog paw and motorcycle shirt to the woman in the shirt. But at least, don’t spread hate. Seriously? Excuse me but how am I spreading hate by stating I can’t relate to her? What happened to just sharing my opinion as you are? I don’t agree with you but have I even remotely implied you are spreading hate over your judgment of my opinion? I am far from a hater and as I’ve stated before, I am entitled to my opinion as you are. You can’t judge one’s happiness with your own values. Not that she’s not grateful for what she has. So she clearly knows that’s what a lot of people wish for in life. But that’s not what she wanted. Everyone values things differently in life, what you see as a blessing can be a burden to others. Buy this shirt:  I’m a simple woman I love wine flip flop dog paw and motorcycle shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/im-a-simple-woman-i-love-wine-flip-flop-dog-paw-and-motorcycle-shirt

Canada Firefighter Under Armour shirt

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The richness of knowledge does not solely depend on Canada Firefighter Under Armour shirt. If not older people would have been the wisest in the world. The content of the Under Armour is far more important than the individual’s age. Look like he’s becoming a successful motivational speaker. By the way, public speaking is people most terrifying thing to do. Look it up if you don’t believe Canada. You don’t have to take a kid’s word seriously because he will never grow to be as cynical and lost as you are at your age. You have breath enough left to give a young mind your attention. Because maybe Firefighter doesn’t have it all figured out. Do you think working as Firefighter to the bone and paying bills makes you somehow more learned about life than an intelligent kid who has obviously been educated well? That makes you an envious chump who wasted maybe some years and regrets it. Buy this shirt:  Canada Firefighter Under Armour shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/canada-f...

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air Will Smith shirt

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Your head gasket exploded on your The Fresh Prince of Bel Air Will Smith shirt and you have to dish out your savings, and the cycle repeats, stress piling up. Dreams take forever to get to yes, but we can’t magically get them as we can instantly sneeze. We all want to chase our dreams. All of us. We aren’t stopping ourselves. Life is. So, his inspirational butt can carry on and you can keep your negativity. Apparently, he has a contract with Fila that stemmed from an anti-bullying incident. I doubt your feedback will sway his future. Maybe, he will even go on to Harvard. Never said he wouldn’t be successful, but I can guess you aren’t. Because you’re as illiterate as my left testicle. My point was we all would like to chase our dreams but most can’t. Because of life in our way, this doesn’t include procrastinators. Read through the comment next time Princess Snowflake. Buy this shirt:  The Fresh Prince of Bel Air Will Smith shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/the-fres...

Hawaii gun run up get done up shirt

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Something tells me confusing this Hawaii gun run up get done up shirt with the fact that a kid delivered it, and fixating on that, is the exact type of person he’s speaking of. If you are a person who is happy with your life. Because you have followed your dream and you live a life built by those dreams. So then you will immediately agree with this message. His words will resonate with you. I know that. Because I am lucky enough to experience a life in which I do what I love and I am more than financially secure because of it. If you somebody who thinks this message has no merit because it delivered by a kid. So then, I can pretty much guarantee. It’s because you have some shitty job. Or no job/money. And you’re completely dissatisfied with your life and you’re a miserable crabby patty. This young man is amazing he knew what he put here for his purpose in life. And he executed a plan! Buy this shirt:  Hawaii gun run up get done up shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/h...

Star Wars Yoda do or do not there is no try shirt

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Talking about Star Wars Yoda do or do not there is no try shirt and working 7 days per week. That is the young man’s point. So I bet you some of you never dream your life would be like that. Maybe you got pregnant for the wrong guy or got the wrong girl pregnant didn’t get a skill. Or higher education so you are not living your dreams. He is saying it is not too late whatever the issues that are holding you back let it out and live your dreams. This is not easy to do especially when you think that life chances have passed you by. No, a sneeze is a sign of your mortality. It is your first breath of life. Ain’t mad at him it’s just hilarious how Y’all think he’s coming up with all this, shout to whoever behind the scenes finesse. Everyone has a dream but without money to finance them, the will never become reality. One can not leave on ordinary dreams these days. Point blank period! Buy this shirt:  Star Wars Yoda do or do not there is no try shirt Home:  https://moteefe.co...

Dispatcher Omg stop talking just say 10-4 shirt

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Good on Dispatcher Omg stop talking just say 10-4 shirt, kids can teach kids and adults alike really depends upon your perspective. He may be young but he’s well-spoken, great attitude and demeanor are on point as is the message, it’s not about him being young and a lack of life’s experiences. I can’t agree with this. Because I came up in a very negative world and what brought me through was the hope. So I was given as a child it is hoped that drives a dream to be it. So that this young man one day wants to coach a person through life. Or otherwise, stand on a stand and coach thousands. The moral here is he is doing it despite his age or obstacles he may face he says that. It will get frustrating. But do it anyway. Let’s not focus on the whatnots and the why not let’s focus on the Hope of a dream that hope drives a dream to succeed. When you hope of things to come you move forward. And never look behind you at what you have already passed. Buy this shirt:  Dispatcher Omg stop t...

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air the Bel Air Bunch shirt

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I take The Fresh Prince of Bel Air the Bel Air Bunch shirt very seriously. Because I do have the life experience to know that he’s speaking the truth. Why attack the messenger when the message is the real truth. Amazing to hear this young man’s words of inspiration. From the mouth of babes. A very intelligent young man with a message on how to help you mentally, physically and spiritually. I love his message. Spend more time building people up instead of tearing them down. The energy you put will be the energy you get back. Shame on those of you judging this young man!! You have no idea what his childhood was like! He is wise for someone young! I have heard wise words come from much younger children! He is probably a very old soul come back to help people realize not to give up on their dreams and perhaps many other wise words will come from him! I for one think he is awesome! I think an issue we may have with his age is it. Buy this shirt:  The Fresh Prince of Bel Air the Bel A...

All men are created equal but the best can still play drums in their sixties shirt

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Whether this kid knows All men are created equal but the best can still play drums in their sixties shirt about paying bills or having a job, at least he is not up there talking about drugs, sagging his pants. He is the prime example of what the next generation needs! If this child was able to quote a bible verse, what would you say then? Isn’t this the same kid who was getting bullied on the playground school for having files on? And he explained to his bully it’s not what you wear that will get you far, it’s what’s in your head. I think his age is a factor for some because we know how optimistic we were at his age. Life experiences give you more insight if it doesn’t jade you too fast. But kids with advice annoy me. You popped up in my head listening to this boy. Sounds like something you would say to our loving. Every day pushes yourself to a better you. Always strive to be great. Show everyone that you are amazing and believe in yourself. Buy this shirt:  All men are created...

St Patrick’s Day kiss me and bring me a Whiskey shirt

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He’s absolutely right and anyone saying St Patrick’s Day kiss me and bring me a Whiskey shirt just get it. I know that it’s hard to go thru life and feel like you never get anywhere. But there is something in all of us that makes us especially unique to anyone else and there’s something we can do better than anyone else. The big thing is finding what that is and then finding a way to make money at it. It may take 10 years or more. Maybe it only takes 10 weeks. But if you never start looking you never find it at all. Some people don’t need to experience something to recognize it. He has recognized that the problem with most adults is they place limitations on themselves. He has a gift. A gift that allows him to learn. So he won’t have to suffer as much to get the message! He must be making millions going to speak to Adults lol his parents must love it. Buy this shirt:  St Patrick’s Day kiss me and bring me a Whiskey shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/st-patricks-day-ki...

Official Raptor Trainer Jurassic Dinosaur shirt

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So true and let this Official Raptor Trainer Jurassic Dinosaur shirt great, such positiveness as he gets older he will learn and be even greater. Wise beyond his years, but still from a child’s eyes refreshing. U can still work towards your dreams, with kids, a life, a family, just might take adjusting but continue being the positive young man. This lad is amazing. I have always envisioned myself like this when I was young! and still, am! I mean who cares how long it takes? I’m still working on being able to speak before big crowds to tell people. They all sound exactly like my ex, and why I get to call him “ex”. Too much anger and bitterness will get you nothing but an early grave. Don’t be blind to reality, but work on your dream life all the same. This from someone with several chronic illnesses and severe, constant pain, yet I’m trying to meet my dream of being an author. Gotten published twice this year. Buy this shirt:  Official Raptor Trainer Jurassic Dinosaur shirt Home...

Pluto never forget 1930 2006 shirt

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Focusing on his age and Pluto never forget 1930 2006 shirt will only distract you from the message. Besides he may be talking to you. I’m not listening to a 6-year-old who’s script was written by someone else. You prove what I advocate kids are people with less baggage. So let them lead some and we will see great things transpire. They see god more easily they are in need of more grown-ups to listen and learn the messages they share! Who knows what this kids life is like, easy or hard, we don’t know. But when did you get up on stage with an inspiring message? When did you go out of your way to go out of your comfort zone to encourage another? This was his aspiration and he did it! So, don’t rain on his parade, just let the goodness of his message speak to your heart. Buy this shirt:  Pluto never forget 1930 2006 shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/pluto-never-forget-1930-2006-shirt-and-hoodie

Fueled by sweet tea shirt

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 My wish for the new Fueled by sweet tea shirt is that we learn to be more inclusive. After watching Trump mimic a disabled reporter on TV A couple of years ago I teared up. My husband physically challenged after a horrific accident. And it breaks my heart to see how acceptable it is to be mean and to make fun of children and adults who are different. I pray that all of us can become more compassionate. And even many who did manipulated by one or two of their own personal causes. I know there is ignorance, insensitivity, and even brutally out there but I see more goodness. The people busy doing the good stuff are not usually spending their time getting publicity. Let’s pray that as a nation we choose better in the near future. Buy this shirt:  Fueled by sweet tea shirt Hme:  https://moteefe.com/store/fueled-by-sweet-tea-shirt

Bear I camp to burn off the crazy shirta

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Some people triggered by a Bear I camp to burn off the crazy shirt saying that she is independent and can find happiness on her own. You will need a shoulder or a person to lean on. The strongest of individuals have felt weak sometime in their life and have asked for help. Whether it be the god, your parents or someone/anyone special. Maslow hierarchy of needs or just basic human nature. So a person needs social love and belonging. Your spouse is your other half. You have not learned what love is. It’s unconditional. It’s pain yet joy. Gl. You have much to learn. Success is nothing without significance. For most significance family. I don’t think he is talking about dependence, he is talking about accepting and loving a person unconditionally despite what they do in life. It takes courage to love unconditionally and a lot of charity. Some emotionally broken people. Don’t accept this kind of love easily. Buy this shirt:  Bear I camp to burn off the crazy shirta Hme:  https...

I don’t ride my own bike but I do ride my own biker shirt

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  To actually slow down just I don’t ride my own bike but I do ride my own biker shirt to find out what might be going on. We talked to her on a daily basis about how she struggled to grasp what she was reading. Her first-grade teacher took that time. She saw what we did. How Kacie was giving 110% and still struggled. We talked and decided to have her tested for dyslexia. Every day I thank Mrs. Patzke for being my daughter’s cheerleader, the one who took the time to truly see her and help. My daughter stayed in first grade 2 years to help her catch up. She is a 5th grader now and is doing awesome!!! She has overcome so many obstacles. Myself, my husband and a few others help her by not giving up on her. We fight alongside her every day. Buy this shirt:  I don’t ride my own bike but I do ride my own biker shirt Hme:  https://moteefe.com/store/i-dont-ride-my-own-bike-but-i-do-ride-my-own-biker-shirt

If I ever go missing call Joe Kenda shirt

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I always smile and say hello to If I ever go missing call Joe Kenda shirt, it’s not always reciprocated but I do it anyway, feel sorry for people than go about all day with a frown. An unexpected surprise from a friendly young lady was amazing that everyone was happy. I don’t know what got me? But tears in my eyes filled my chick while watching this awesome message. Pure love and kindness of that innocent girl. I try to smile when driving. So at intersections I know people notice and I hope I am promoting a shift in their day. I started doing this, smile and say hello every time am on all occasions that I attended. Believe me, it always made me happy and brighten up my day. This reminded me of you and our kids. So just in case, they don’t realize how influential and how much it means to ppl. What is your gift? Buy this shirt:  If I ever go missing call Joe Kenda shirt Hme:  https://moteefe.com/store/if-i-ever-go-missing-call-joe-kenda-shirt