Fireball camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt
Are you serious Fireball camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was shirt? Or was that a joke? If you are serious can you do me a favor? Think about someone you know that is going through death or a job loss. Or some kind of life changing tragic event of which they have no control and then watch the shirt again. I truly hope you can see how selfish this woman is acting. If not I would encourage you to spend more time helping others. It thinks it’s telling that so many people are having the reaction that she should have added to someone else’s happiness more. Not wasting her husband’s life; should have thought about others, not herself. But it seems to me that’s probably what was going on. Buy this shirt: Fireball camping I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit shirt Home: