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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2018

Math may not teach how to add love or subtract hate shirt

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Math is also something said to be Math may not teach how to add love or subtract hate but it gives us hope that every problem has a solution shirt. But your ancestors might have. That transferred to your subconscious working through the DNA. Humans can never understand the human brain properly because it is something beyond the human mind itself. In my earliest memory, I was 13 months old. Mom and dad took me and my sister to visit my great aunt Betty. The only thing I remember was the house was strangely built, the kitchen and dining room was upstairs. So my mom had me on her lap and I tasted german chocolate cake for the first time. Didn’t know who’s house it was for the longest time. One example from my life experience. Buy this shirt:  Math may not teach how to add love or subtract hate shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/math-may-not-teach-how-to-add-love-or-subtract-hate-shir cx

Christmas Bulldog sweater

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This is everything my bulldog and Christmas Bulldog sweater would do also. But when you got off the couch she would slide down enough where her feet and butt would still be in there air, funniest thing! I miss her so much. Her tongue was so long so it was always hanging out at Christmas. Where non-experts throughout the world come to share their lack of knowledge that they think makes them look smart. Have you read an article? Have you watched a shirt? Well then, come on down to the Christmas comment section! You’re qualified to share your shitty opinion now. Think we humans have done some serious damage in dog breeding. Feel sorry for the Bulldogs and boxers and pugs who can’t breathe easily, the spaniels and a host of others. Buy this shirt:  Christmas Bulldog sweater Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/christmas-bulldog-sweater

Christmas Bulldog sweater

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This is everything my bulldog and Christmas Bulldog sweater would do also. But when you got off the couch she would slide down enough where her feet and butt would still be in there air, funniest thing! I miss her so much. Her tongue was so long so it was always hanging out at Christmas. Where non-experts throughout the world come to share their lack of knowledge that they think makes them look smart. Have you read an article? Have you watched a shirt? Well then, come on down to the Christmas comment section! You’re qualified to share your shitty opinion now. Think we humans have done some serious damage in dog breeding. Feel sorry for the Bulldogs and boxers and pugs who can’t breathe easily, the spaniels and a host of others. Buy this shirt:  Christmas Bulldog sweater Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/christmas-bulldog-sweater

Christmas Cane Corso sweater

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Such pity that there Christmas Cane Corso sweater here as I’d love one. What a lovely dog never saw one before. They are great my abbey is a wonderful Cane Corso.  What a beauty, my kids keep asking for a dog, if I had a big house I, d fetch her for my kid’s. Sophie, you’re the real deal, hope you find a kid at Christmas. We have a Cane Corso but without his ears tail cut. So he’s such a loving dog the kids pull-push him to play with his ride on him and looks a lot less aggressive with ears but if push came to shove he would die for you. My cane Corso peaches is a dream dog! She’s so placid and laid. his guy is one of my favorite rescue bulldogs. Buy this shirt:  Christmas Cane Corso sweater Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/christmas-cane-corso-sweate

Christmas Corgi sweater

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There is nothing more entertaining and charming than a corgi and Christmas Corgi sweater. Anyone notice the cute white butt is shaped like a heart! A neighbor had a corgi during winter dog would walk over daily to visit us just checking we were nice. Next, at Christmas, I would take a Corgi. At one time we had a Corgi or miniature collie mix. His name was Freckles and he was an adorable rescue dog. I now have a fur ball Texas Heeler Dora, and she is the best pet I have ever had for a friend. God knew what He was doing when creating these creatures for us. I heard on the news a few weeks ago that the last of England’s Royal Corgis had passed away. Buy this shirt:  Christmas Corgi sweater Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/christmas-corgi-sweate

Under Armour Sagittarius girl shirt

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You all are confusing procrastinator with Under Armour Sagittarius girl shirt. So every Sagittarius I know put off anything not important to them until the last minute but everything else needs to be right this second because they are impatient and control freaks. Nailed it fully and completely, not gonna lie. I know that I’m a good person with no need to impress anyone. So I tend to make friends easily but trust very few. Because I tend to think that showing weakness opens me up to vulnerability because of past experiences. At the end of the day, I smile and push on. I too can identify with most of the 12 qualities. However, I am not a procrastinator or a steamroller. Happy Birthday month my fellow Sagitarrians. I’m a Sagittarius and I identify with most except the procrastination. Buy this shirt:  Under Armour Sagittarius girl shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/under-armour-sagittarius-girl-shirt

Christmas Doberman sweater

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I love my Doberman. She’s the best little spoon anyone could ask for Christmas Doberman sweater. We’ve always had them, and they’re such a loyal, loving breed. Plus, they’re pretty cute when they work out. How do you know their’s no pain? Since dogs don’t talk. Because our dog is a large stan! And poodle when he hurt he has body language. The cutting of the ears was for these animals that hunted. Incredibly well-trained dogs, well that woman on Christmas! I hated to see that they had ears and tail mutilation however great to see one of them had not been done. So I know this a little off topic on Christmas. But did you guys know is unnatural for a dog’s ears do not stand up. Think about where dogs come from. Same reason why orca whales dorsal fins aren’t supposed to curl over. Buy this shirt:  Christmas Doberman sweater Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/christmas-doberman-sweate

Stallone reading Rambo shirt

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Some of these are ridiculous unless you pick at your Stallone reading Rambo shirt than a mouse running across shag carpeting. So you’re young to tear it anyways. Just wash your damn dishes, think it’s great cause you to have kids? Yeah, they too wash dishes too cause they’ll definitely rip through any cover you try to put on them. Who cares about fake abs, that little Pringles can and got glue won’t hold a hair dryer, though they make up remover is intriguing. But finding clothes like that? The sad thing is this, lots of guys in their 20s can’t even perform these exercises. Good job sly, you’ve done wonders for the fitness industry, absolute icon. Buy this shirt:  Stallone reading Rambo shirt Home:  https ://moteefe.com/store/stallone-reading-rambo-shirt

Cunt mode on shirt

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The plastic wrap Cunt mode on shirt is just irritating to me. There’s enough plastic in the world that isn’t recycled. Is the “convenience” really worth more than the environment? Jessica Hodges water is a renewable resource, but plastic is filling landfills, getting into our oceans, and hurting wildlife or marine life. The chemicals from some plastics can even seep into our soil and get into our cunt! Not to mention microplastics. I will always spend a little more if it means I can help the environment. Everyone here worrying about the abs in the plastic wrap I’m trying to figure out how she folded clothes like a cunt. I like the easy abs but that doesn’t work when you’re not already thin. Here plastic wraps are more expensive than paper plates. Buy this shirt:  Cunt mode on shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/ cunt-mode-on-shirt

Pikapool Pikachu Pokemon and Deadpool shirt

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The most ironic thing about this is in the UK it’s still got a Pikapool Pikachu Pokemon and Deadpool shirt. It seems they did a good job taking out all the bad language they just forgot about the violence. This is going to ruin the Deadpool franchise. This is going to be stupid. I want swearing, nudity, and blood in Deadpool. It looks alright, but it does make sense to release a Deadpool movie. Think about it the Disney Fox deal is about to be over now at the end of the year. What actor. Besides Hugh Jackman as Wolverine do we want in the shirt, Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool? The only problem is that the Deadpool movies rated. What I think is the smart move is releasing two Deadpool movie in the same year. Buy this shirt:  Pikapool Pikachu Pokemon and Deadpool shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/pikapool-pikachu-pokemon-and-deadpool-shirt-and-hoodie

Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Culver’s shirt

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Chances are if you don’t live in Wisconsin or nearby then your culvers isn’t up to par with Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Culver’s shirt. Their expansion stores really don’t carry the same quality that was used to in their home state. Not sure if the new stores are too far from their food distribution centers to get stuff fresh or if there’s just a lack of training but nearly everything on the menu is best at the first few stores that ever opened. To all the complaints- Culvers is super delicious when done right. Like any chain, there are bad and good locations. Good locations are flavorful, best custard you can get period and pretty juicy meat. I never eat fast food, I run from McDonalds and sonic and all those places. Culvers is the one I can do. Try one that has clearly been upgraded and is very clean. Culver’s is so good! Like how do you like McDonald’s but not Culver’s? Probably because the meat is real? Buy this shirt:  Grinch I used to smile and then I worke...

Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Cracker Barrel shirt

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I just like the title. Chipotle is gonna be pissed that their secret is out. I love Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Cracker Barrel shirt. Such a big secret that cilantro lime rice has literally only cilantro, lime and rice as ingredients. Here is this recipe for the cliantro rice and salsa verde chicken. I used chicken thighs instead of chicken breast. That rice had too much water. Disgusting mush Cracker Barrel! Well prepared rice remains loose and grainy while cooked and tender if the grain splits, is overcooked. Husband loves it so much. It’s a keeper! You guys should try it. I used store-bought salsa verde and in my surprise, it was delicious also. Cracker Barrel tastes like nothing. Who would want to re-create it? How to make mush rice. Please, can a latino teach white people how is rice cooked? Buy this shirt:  Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Cracker Barrel shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/grinch-i-used-to-smile-and-then-worked-at-cracke...

Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Spar shirt

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Feel the new quantum theory. The mind does not create Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Spar shirt. Consciousness just is, and the mind has the ability to process the input of consciousness into becoming creative since the consciousness constantly creates. Why consciousness wanted us to become aware of its presence is yet to be understood. Having had a stroke recently, I think I can tell you what consciousness is. Or at least what it is. I sat across a dining table from my wife. I felt so tired I just closed my eyes and had a brief sleep. Sitting upright in the chair. I could see nothing of what was going on around me. Yet was thinking about the food I had on my plate. When I regained consciousness. Buy this shirt:  Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Spar shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/grinch-i-used-to-smile-and-then-i-worked-at-spar-shirt t

Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at JCPenney shirt

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shoplifting by Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at JCPenney shirt. Nothing, no merchandise found on her person? That young lady has a very good lawsuit! For 1 this man assaulted this woman because his shirt does not say security. JC Penney allows employees to treat customers like this? If this was my mom you think I was going to watch you put her in a headlock? I don’t put your hands on people; that’s the easiest way to die. So people of colored don’t belong in certain stores? So we not going to allow white people in certain areas of our cities? What ya want? What’s the point? So last but not least that lady could have easily punched this guy lights out; she seemed confused. Buy this shirt:  Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at JCPenney shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/grinch-i-used-to-smile-and-then-i-worked-at-jcpenney-shirt

Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Safeway shirt

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I personally don’t think these ridiculous police calls on black people just minding their Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Safeway shirt ordinary things is random. So I am not quick to think conspiracy, but the similarities and frequency of these shameful moments are concerning. If the police departments don’t start charging these individuals more with false police reports, it will only get worse. I applaud those officers who don’t overreact in these situations and who do address the false reporter directly, for those who do act harshly you are no better than the jokers who make the false reports. I say this because I personally know some wonderful officers who do their jobs respectfully and with integrity for all citizens, but like with any profession. Buy this shirt:  Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Safeway shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/grinch-i-used-to-smile-and-then-i-worked-at-safeway-shirt

Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Outback Steakhouse shirt

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Glad this guy didn’t make a fuss about condiments. I love Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Outback Steakhouse shirt. If I’m spending $100 on a steak, I don’t care about your opinions. Just give me a quality piece of meat to the best of your ability. Nothing irritates me like going somewhere and getting a steak, only to hear the chef “prefers” the restaurant not to carry condiments. If I have to hear order the steak how you want more time! Go to Outback Steakhouse on anything less than medium rare. The sheer size of the portions is gross ditto the weight of far too many Americans. Outback Steakhouse, you fire these steak videos out a lot, but I can’t figure out who the free advertising is for? They aren’t as tedious as they seem if you have a helper. Buy this shirt:  Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Outback Steakhouse shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/grinch-i-used-to-smile-and-then-i-worked-at-outback-steakhouse-shirt

Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Waffle House shirt

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If you pull up at a Waffle House and the employees are Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Waffle House shirt. If the cook isn’t talking on the cell phone making drug deals while he making your food, get too outta there! That’s not a Waffle House, you are at Cracker Barrel! Went to a waffle house, asked for Turkey bacon. The waitress looked at me with her sleepy eye and said, “We don’t do that healthy shit here.” I knew my Waffle House was lit when my waitress served my plate, saw my fresh steak and cheese sandwich and was like “Ohh that looks good, can I just get a quick bite? I ain’t had no break” and with her knife and fork cut off a piece and walked off in the hood, we share. Buy this shirt:  Grinch I used to smile and then I worked at Waffle House shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/grinch-i-used-to-smile-and-then-i-worked-at-waffle-house-shirt-and-hoodie

Christmas Merry Shalomas Jimbell all the way sweater

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We miss you Jim and Wilson, so much so that we might have to call a special Christmas Merry Shalomas Jimbell all the way sweater. He does this by dropping hints to attempt to gain entry into the house. He is accompanied by his Belgian Shepherd, Wilson, of whom he is irrationally afraid. Despite Wilson being rather friendly. He seems to have a long standing crush on Jackie Goodman. Jim is by far the best character in the series, and an episode is not complete without him. As well as this, he seems to be quite socially incapable and constantly leaves gaps in conversation where nothing is said. This is added to by a seeming total ignorance of normal social rules. Buy this shirt:  Christmas Merry Shalomas Jimbell all the way sweater Home: https://moteefe.com/store/christmas-merry-shalomas-jimbell-all-the-way-sweater

Horror scary characters Christmas tree sweater

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Easy, dad played with the child just to find a way to abandon him, just like a Horror scary characters Christmas tree sweater. Then the kid became possessed by the spirit of a kid that had been also abandoned before him. Possible possession of a ghost wanting a parent after they were left there by their parent or parents. So ghost was a child with demon possession possibly that died from the complications of the actions. That’s the theories I think of thus far anyway. What did he say at the end? I think I heard “daddy”. I did go back and forth a couple dozen times when the ghost first appeared. Great effect. This is absolutely horrible! How was that poor cat able to put on Netflix? Buy this shirt:  Horror scary characters Christmas tree sweater Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/horror-scary-characters-christmas-tree-sweater

Flower you bring out the worst in me shirt

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I love watching these girls. It’s great seeing these young girls prosper Flower you bring out the worst in me shirt. We need more shows like this. I used to watch this show faithfully but not anymore. The entertainment are the dancing dolls not their moms. I don’t want to hear all that mom drama every week. Cut that part from the show and concentrate on the practices, challenges, and competitions. That is one of my favorite shows. I would love to meet the instructor and the moms I think they are so cool. The funny thing is cats actually do bring us stuff like that. Because they think we’re dumb hairless babies. Buy this shirt:  Flower you bring out the worst in me shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/flower-you-bring-out-the-worst-in-m e-shirt

Jeff Dunham Walter I am a member of the CSI team Can’t Stand Idiots shirt

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Waiting for Jeff’s puppets to file a Jeff Dunham Walter I am a member of the CSI team Can’t Stand Idiots shirt against him for improper touching. This guy is very funny. I’ve been watching Jeff for years. I’m gonna see Jeff Dunham in April 2018 when he comes to Nashville. Can’t wait. This will be my 1st time seeing him live. I have watched them so much now its more like they are on their own without Jeff. Reminds me of me, and why I fell for my second wife. She had a beautiful tooth. Walter reminds me of Joe Biden,when Biden has his game face on standing next to. Love watching Jeff Dunham, he is good and funny, with his different characters. He’s good and didn’t creep me out like some ventriloquists. Buy this shirt:  Jeff Dunham Walter I am a member of the CSI team Can’t Stand Idiots shirt Home: https://moteefe.com/store/jeff-dunham-walter-i-am-a-member-of-the-csi-team-cant-stand-idiots-shirt

Godzilla Christmas Fa La La La Godzil La sweater

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Either I don’t understand Godzilla mythology, or this trailer is horrible. I like Godzilla Christmas Fa La La La Godzil La sweater. But I don’t understand any of what’s going on. This was confusing as hell. The best Godzilla movie ever i seen is the first one where it has lay the eggs and got babyzilla. Can we please stop focusing on humans in our monster or robot movies? We don’t care. We want to see radioactive breathing stomping on buildings and smashing other monsters into powder. People think its ridiculous they are making another one. Lets do the simple math here. It cost 160 million to make. Because it made 600 million total. It was also well received. This is the exact process for a green light sequel. Buy this shirt:  Godzilla Christmas Fa La La La Godzil La sweater Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/godzilla-christmas-fa-la-la-la-godzil-la-sweater

Die hard It’s not Christmas until you see Hans Gruber fall from Nakatomi sweater

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I head butted my girlfriend once by accident because my dog shuck up and put his wet nose in my butt. While we were going to buy  Die hard It’s not Christmas until you see Hans Gruber fall from Nakatomi tower sweater . I’ve had my cat sniff my once was not ready for that and once. My girlfriend and I were just falling asleep in bed and our three cats that were too young to be fixed decided to have a gang bang on my leg. As I was just drifting off. I’ll never forget this traumatic experience. his happened with the last guy I was with. The damn cat was playing on the bed, climbing on top of the headboard, jumping on the shelves and playing with stuff. Buy this shirt:  Die hard It’s not Christmas until you see Hans Gruber fall from Nakatomi sweater Home: https://moteefe.com/store/die-hard-its-not-christmas-until-you-see-hans-gruber-fall-from-nakatomi-sweater

I drink Coors Light like fat kids eat cake shirt

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If someone saw your drone from miles away, they would truly be convinced of extraterrestrial I drink Coors Light like fat kids eat cake shirt. No Coors was consumed during the making of this shirt. Love the concept. Neutral density filters with sunlight just doesn’t yield these types of results. Good stuff. Did anyone notice a face on the mountain in the beginning 35 seconds of this film? It’s funny because some people believe that mountains were really giants. What a great idea! Use a drone for night nature photos. Extremely smart and beautiful. Knowing myself. I’d probably go somewhere that is extremely difficult to get to, arrive, take it all in for about a minute and go “alright! Let’s go home.” Buy this shirt:  I drink Coors Light like fat kids eat cake shirt Home:  https://moteefe.com/store/i-drink-coors-light-like-fat-kids-eat-cake-shirt-and-hoodie

I drink Dr Pepper like fat kids eat cake shirt

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I would like to see what’s going to happen to I drink Dr Pepper like fat kids eat cake shirt if they went through the water filter, please. Ethanol and methanol alcohol are completely different alcohols. The methanol Alcohol is a larger group of elements there for larger in size, hence why it was big enough to be filtered out. I drink Dr Pepper from the actual lemon. So I love it I love lemon water I don’t need to do that to my lemon. Used this when I was in camp, logging. It was the best. Because our water would have bits of dirt and cedar in it. And would literally say not safe to drink, was a life saver for me. Maybe the hairspray is white because of all the impurities filtered out before. Buy this shirt:  I drink Dr Pepper like fat kids eat cake shirt Home: https://moteefe.com/store/i-drink-dr-pepper-like-fat-kids-eat-cake-shirt

Schnauzer reindeer and Christmas lights sweater

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Schnauzers have a hard time containing their love! Just love Schnauzer reindeer and Christmas lights sweater! Welcome home and thank you for your service! God bless and be safe! This looks just like our little black schnauzer, Lily and our cat Tiger. Both are in Heaven, but thank you for this adorable video. Mini schnauzers are the best and smartest dogs. We’ve had 6 of them. Please remember Cats see distance well. Close up is fuzzy so they use their whiskers and paws to feel what is in front of them. So a friendly dog trying to play may seem like a threat. To their eyes. Teach gentle play with love fun kindness and patience to have happy and safe pets and children. Buy this shirt:  Schnauzer reindeer and Christmas lights sweater Home: https://moteefe.com/store/schnauzer-reindeer-and-christmas-lights-sweater

Schnauzer reindeer and Christmas lights sweater

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Schnauzers have a hard time containing their love! Just love Schnauzer reindeer and Christmas lights sweater! Welcome home and thank you for your service! God bless and be safe! This looks just like our little black schnauzer, Lily and our cat Tiger. Both are in Heaven, but thank you for this adorable video. Mini schnauzers are the best and smartest dogs. We’ve had 6 of them. Please remember Cats see distance well. Close up is fuzzy so they use their whiskers and paws to feel what is in front of them. So a friendly dog trying to play may seem like a threat. To their eyes. Teach gentle play with love fun kindness and patience to have happy and safe pets and children. Buy this shirt:  Schnauzer reindeer and Christmas lights sweater Home: https://moteefe.com/store/schnauzer-reindeer-and-christmas-lights-sweater